There is an ally of
Great Britain, the United States of America, the Zionist state of
Medinat Yisrael and the European Union that practices public capital
punishment, violent militaristic totalitarianism, decapitation,
crucifixion, stoning, whipping, punishment amputations, public
corporal punishment and genocidal sectarianism. This is an
illegitimate and authoritarian regime which has been caught red
handed, on several occasions, funding and arming al Qaeda and D'aesh.
Even the most barbaric hard line extremists of the aforementioned
groups seem mild compared to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia as it
decapitates a person every two days. That is three decapitations a
week. Under Salman eight new executioners had to be hired to enforce
the recently ascended monarch's more conservative hard line in
relation to capital punishment. That speaks gargantuan volumes as
Abdullah was anything but moderate especially in relation to capital
The people in charge of the United Nations, formerly known as the League of Nations, wonder why disdain towards their organisation is massive and widespread. Having a despotic and backwards dictatorship like Saudi Arabia heading the Human Rights Committee will result in many more people lacking respect for the UN and said people will correctly view the UN negatively which is what the corporate plutocrats of the UN deserve.
Regardless of which Wahhabi autocrat has the crown their emirate is reviled around the world. The disgust felt towards Saudi Arabia under Salman is no different from how people felt about the monarchy under Abdullah, Fahd and Khalid. While the leaders of other nations and states execrably ingratiate to the vile autocrats for plutocratic interests in the OPEC oil cartel the majority of people in said nations and states have nothing but enmity and hostility towards the House of Saud's despots. Even in Britain, an ally of Saudi Arabia and other Wahhabi emirates, thirty nine percent of people view Saudi Arabia as an enemy and eighty percent view Saudi Arabia's record on human rights negatively. Saudi Arabia have no one but themselves to blame for negative perceptions as ninety two percent of Saudis admit they supported D'aesh in a poll.
How was D'aesh created? It had always been a goal of al Qaeda since its inception in 1979 and it has articulated since 1982 that it would like to create a Wahhabi style Islamic State. To this end Saudi funded it's organisational branch in Iraq since al Zarqawi led the group prior to and during America and Britain's military Operation Iraqi Liberation. When D'aesh split from the international leadership of al Qaeda the Saudis continued to fund and arm the group. The Independent reported that Bandar bin Sultan told MI6 that this was for the specific purpose of genocide against Shiites in Iraq and Syria as well as Syrian Alawites.
Saudi Arabia is a violent and dangerous plutocracy. The ten wealthiest members of al Saud have an accumulated wealth that is greater than the combined gross domestic products of the one hundred poorest nations. Salman's personal wealth exceeds $18,000,000,000. Yet the poorest fifth of Arabians who have the misfortune of living under the Saudi monarchy are in absolute poverty. A third of Arabian youth are unemployed while the Saudi plutocrats enjoy their luxurious mansions. Saudi Arabia claims that it outlawed slavery in 1962 but the treatment of 1,500,000 foreign labourers under Kafala contracts shows the contrary. Employees are legally bound to their employers, they are stripped of their passports, the employees are denied payments for their endeavours, the employees are also denied transport and contact with their relatives. There are no legal limits for hours worked in Saudi Arabia which is exacerbated by the intense heat of the equatorial sun. There are reports of domestic workers in Saudi Arabia being allowed a mere hour for rest and some shocking reports of domestic workers being denied any rest. Those workers fortunate enough to be allowed to sleep may have no alternative but to do so in a cramped and uncomfortable storage closet. These stringent rules apply even when the workers are suffering illness or physical injury. Five thousands have fled such working conditions and capital punishment has served as a deterrence to labourers with similar ideas and aspirations.
Ali al Ahmed calls the Saudi judiciary a sectarian apartheid system against Shiite Muslims. It must be noted that al Ahmed is not a neutral observer as the Director of the Institute of Gulf Affairs which is a think tank and advocacy group promoting human rights on the Arabian peninsula. The Institute of Gulf Affairs is based in Washington District of Columbia. Despite the bias from the source there is credibility in the claim as the unjust execution of cleric Sheikh Nimr al Nimr proves. Ulema are permitted to sanction anti Shiite violence in their fatwas. There are no Shiite mayors or police chiefs in Saudi Arabia and none of the three hundred Shiite girls schools have a Shiite principal. Wahhabi teachers denigrate Shiite students with explicit vitriol involving the k word and Shiites are limited by the Saudi government on what they name their children. The genocidal campaign of violent crackdowns on Qatif by Saudi forces is indicative of how they really feel about their Islamic brethren.
Europe and the West have been condemned as racist for not homing enough Syrian refugees. Despite being just over a hundred miles from Syria the Saudi regime has not taken a single displaced Syrian. This shows that the Saudi propaganda about the monarchy caring for Sunni Arabs is brazen bovine excrement. This is not surprising. According to the Belfast Telegraph in 2014 Saudi Arabia had already spent over $3,000,000,000 arming and funding al Qaeda/ Jabhat al Nusra/ Jabhat Fateh al Sham, Jaish al Fatah the Army of Conquest, Fatah Halab, the Islamic Front, Ahrar ash Sham and Ahrar al Sham (allies of al Qaeda), Turkistan Islamic party of Syria, Jabhat Ansar al Din, the Caucasus Emirate (Chechen, Dagestani and Ossetian Wahhabists), ISIS and their allies Khalid ibn al Walid Army. These organisations are the reason half a million people in Syria have been killed in a violent attempt at regime change. Also who could forget Harakat Nour al din al Zenki the group who boasted that they were more barbaric than ISIS while they decapitated a Palestinian teenager? Later that week the same people in the video of the decapitation appeared in a video by the White Helmets appearing to show the rescue of Omran Daqneesh. It is well known that Saudi Arabia fund the White Helmets. It is no coincidence that the White Helmets report from territory held by Jabhat al Nusra and this is intelligently alluded to in a 9/11 internet image. Also this shows the motivation for showing Omran Daqneesh's unfortunate circumstances ad nausem in the Western media. It was not for human concern, they did not show the decapitation of the Palestinian, but for the malevolent regime change agenda against Syria. The armed Wahhabist groups are responsible for forcing 12,400,000 Syrians from their homes including the 4,800,000 Syrians who fled their home country. Despite the abundantly clear moral responsibility, since it was al Saud who armed and funded the Wahhabi terrorists in Syria, the moral imperative to take refugees from the conflict they created is brazenly and audaciously denied and ignored by Saudi Arabia.

The people in charge of the United Nations, formerly known as the League of Nations, wonder why disdain towards their organisation is massive and widespread. Having a despotic and backwards dictatorship like Saudi Arabia heading the Human Rights Committee will result in many more people lacking respect for the UN and said people will correctly view the UN negatively which is what the corporate plutocrats of the UN deserve.
Regardless of which Wahhabi autocrat has the crown their emirate is reviled around the world. The disgust felt towards Saudi Arabia under Salman is no different from how people felt about the monarchy under Abdullah, Fahd and Khalid. While the leaders of other nations and states execrably ingratiate to the vile autocrats for plutocratic interests in the OPEC oil cartel the majority of people in said nations and states have nothing but enmity and hostility towards the House of Saud's despots. Even in Britain, an ally of Saudi Arabia and other Wahhabi emirates, thirty nine percent of people view Saudi Arabia as an enemy and eighty percent view Saudi Arabia's record on human rights negatively. Saudi Arabia have no one but themselves to blame for negative perceptions as ninety two percent of Saudis admit they supported D'aesh in a poll.
How was D'aesh created? It had always been a goal of al Qaeda since its inception in 1979 and it has articulated since 1982 that it would like to create a Wahhabi style Islamic State. To this end Saudi funded it's organisational branch in Iraq since al Zarqawi led the group prior to and during America and Britain's military Operation Iraqi Liberation. When D'aesh split from the international leadership of al Qaeda the Saudis continued to fund and arm the group. The Independent reported that Bandar bin Sultan told MI6 that this was for the specific purpose of genocide against Shiites in Iraq and Syria as well as Syrian Alawites.
Saudi Arabia is a violent and dangerous plutocracy. The ten wealthiest members of al Saud have an accumulated wealth that is greater than the combined gross domestic products of the one hundred poorest nations. Salman's personal wealth exceeds $18,000,000,000. Yet the poorest fifth of Arabians who have the misfortune of living under the Saudi monarchy are in absolute poverty. A third of Arabian youth are unemployed while the Saudi plutocrats enjoy their luxurious mansions. Saudi Arabia claims that it outlawed slavery in 1962 but the treatment of 1,500,000 foreign labourers under Kafala contracts shows the contrary. Employees are legally bound to their employers, they are stripped of their passports, the employees are denied payments for their endeavours, the employees are also denied transport and contact with their relatives. There are no legal limits for hours worked in Saudi Arabia which is exacerbated by the intense heat of the equatorial sun. There are reports of domestic workers in Saudi Arabia being allowed a mere hour for rest and some shocking reports of domestic workers being denied any rest. Those workers fortunate enough to be allowed to sleep may have no alternative but to do so in a cramped and uncomfortable storage closet. These stringent rules apply even when the workers are suffering illness or physical injury. Five thousands have fled such working conditions and capital punishment has served as a deterrence to labourers with similar ideas and aspirations.
Ali al Ahmed calls the Saudi judiciary a sectarian apartheid system against Shiite Muslims. It must be noted that al Ahmed is not a neutral observer as the Director of the Institute of Gulf Affairs which is a think tank and advocacy group promoting human rights on the Arabian peninsula. The Institute of Gulf Affairs is based in Washington District of Columbia. Despite the bias from the source there is credibility in the claim as the unjust execution of cleric Sheikh Nimr al Nimr proves. Ulema are permitted to sanction anti Shiite violence in their fatwas. There are no Shiite mayors or police chiefs in Saudi Arabia and none of the three hundred Shiite girls schools have a Shiite principal. Wahhabi teachers denigrate Shiite students with explicit vitriol involving the k word and Shiites are limited by the Saudi government on what they name their children. The genocidal campaign of violent crackdowns on Qatif by Saudi forces is indicative of how they really feel about their Islamic brethren.
Europe and the West have been condemned as racist for not homing enough Syrian refugees. Despite being just over a hundred miles from Syria the Saudi regime has not taken a single displaced Syrian. This shows that the Saudi propaganda about the monarchy caring for Sunni Arabs is brazen bovine excrement. This is not surprising. According to the Belfast Telegraph in 2014 Saudi Arabia had already spent over $3,000,000,000 arming and funding al Qaeda/ Jabhat al Nusra/ Jabhat Fateh al Sham, Jaish al Fatah the Army of Conquest, Fatah Halab, the Islamic Front, Ahrar ash Sham and Ahrar al Sham (allies of al Qaeda), Turkistan Islamic party of Syria, Jabhat Ansar al Din, the Caucasus Emirate (Chechen, Dagestani and Ossetian Wahhabists), ISIS and their allies Khalid ibn al Walid Army. These organisations are the reason half a million people in Syria have been killed in a violent attempt at regime change. Also who could forget Harakat Nour al din al Zenki the group who boasted that they were more barbaric than ISIS while they decapitated a Palestinian teenager? Later that week the same people in the video of the decapitation appeared in a video by the White Helmets appearing to show the rescue of Omran Daqneesh. It is well known that Saudi Arabia fund the White Helmets. It is no coincidence that the White Helmets report from territory held by Jabhat al Nusra and this is intelligently alluded to in a 9/11 internet image. Also this shows the motivation for showing Omran Daqneesh's unfortunate circumstances ad nausem in the Western media. It was not for human concern, they did not show the decapitation of the Palestinian, but for the malevolent regime change agenda against Syria. The armed Wahhabist groups are responsible for forcing 12,400,000 Syrians from their homes including the 4,800,000 Syrians who fled their home country. Despite the abundantly clear moral responsibility, since it was al Saud who armed and funded the Wahhabi terrorists in Syria, the moral imperative to take refugees from the conflict they created is brazenly and audaciously denied and ignored by Saudi Arabia.

(Credit to Abbas
How has the European Union's alliance with Saudi Arabia worked out? Out of thirty one major terrorist attacks in EU nations since December 2010 twenty eight have been Wahhabi terrorists engaging in sectarian and racist violence. Out of the other three two attacks were far right terrorists engaging in similar violence and the other was a school bombing in a Sacra Corona Unita dispute. This is due to Saudi funding of groups in Syria and Libya as well. In Libya both the EU and Saudi Arabia supported NATO regime change against Muammar Gaddafi's leadership of the Jamahiriya. This included militarily supporting the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group/ Libyan Islamic Movement/ al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia and Libyan affiliates of D'aesh. Human Rights Investigations, the Anti Media, the New American, the American Thinker and Libyan War The Truth all reported the violent ethnic cleansing and genocide of dark complexioned Libyans that ensued during the violent regime change. This has led to al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia and D'aesh being well established as Wahhabi organisations in Libya. This and Wahhabi groups holding territories in Syria, Iraq and Yemen means the people unfortunately have no option but to flee to nations in the European Union with underfunded public services which pressurises national infrastructures. This is not helped by Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council or their ally Medinat Yisrael's attitudes to the people they played major roles in displacing.
Saudi Arabia's military intervention has led to over 3,154,572 Yemeni people being displaced also. The Saudi intervention on behalf of the Hadi loyalists has assisted the ambitions of the Wahhabi coalition of al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia and D'aesh who control large areas of territories in central and eastern Yemen. America, Britain, France, Jordan, Kuwait, Medinat Yisrael, Morocco, Qatar, UAE, Senegal and Sudan have all supported the violent chaos ensuing from the Wahhabi war crimes. This has led to the deaths of four thousand Yemeni people and the injury of over eleven thousand Yemeni people.
America's relationship with Saudi Arabia has hurt the American people. Despite being a Saudi ally there have been over sixty seven Wahhabi terrorist attacks on America since the Nixon administration resulting in the deaths of over 3,146 American people. Yet Big Oil, in cooperation with the OPEC cartel, influences the District of Columbia to the point America allies with a regime that sixty eight percent of their people view negatively as an enemy. The arms manufacturing industry benefits massively from this alliance as the American state department announced a sale of $60,000,000,000 worth of military aircraft to Saudi Arabia which had the full support of Medinat Yisrael. Andrew Shapiro had the brazen audacity to suggest it wasn't about Iran. That is exactly what it is about as Iran has the mettle and gumption to oppose and resist the malevolent military agendas of Wahhabi ideologues and their Zionist allies. Yet Iran is supposed to trust America on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action when the latter is irrationally arming and strengthening Iran's enemies when said states are already militarily capable.
Saudi Arabia is also a far right wing dictatorship. The definition of right wing and left wing comes from the French National Assembly the legislature that existed under the French monarchy. Supporters of His Majesty's government sat to the right of the king while opponents to His Majesty sat on the left side. In Saudi Arabia loyalty to His Majesty's government is not optional under the absolute monarchy. Being left wing is literally a capital offence in Saudi Arabia. The result is an ultra conservative societal approach to maintaining a far right Wahhabi autocracy. Even advocates of constitutional monarchy are executed. This shows the House of Saud's love of centralised power and governing by decree. Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi ideology has been compared to Fascism. Wahhabi judges enforce what they interpret to be Sharia rulings with the vicious authoritarianism of the Roman Imperial Civil Magistrate and there is centralised merger between the corporate and the state as the House of Saud's control of OPEC cartel and its relationship with Big Oil. Even the cosy relationship between the House of Saud and contractor Mohammed Binladen Organisation shows Fascism of the Mussolini brand with Bandar bin Sultan's relationship with the House of Bush's oil companies reinforcing this accurate perception.
Saudi Arabia fund the Taliban, al Qaeda and D'aesh's Khorasan unit in Afghanistan. D'aesh are currently fighting al Qaeda and the Taliban following a split in the Wahhabi leadership in Afghanistan after Mohammed Omar was killed. This is a battle for who will take control of a resurgent Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. All three groups indoctrinate children and use them as soldiers while aggressively policing tribal areas of Pashtunistan with Wahhabi vigilantism. The reason for Saudi involvement is that they do not want Iranian influence and allies gaining power directly to the Islamic Republic's east. Or as the Saudis articulated their strategy with sectarian bigotry “No Shia dogs”. There is undoubtedly an ethnic and cultural element to Saudi Arabia's hatred of Iran as Saudi Arabia emphasises that Iranians are Persian and denigrates Iranians as Zoroastrians even though only twenty five thousand people out of eighty million follow the religion. The Wahhabi war against post emirate Afghanistan has led to sixteen thousand Afghans losing their lives since 2015 and sixty four thousand Afghans have lost their lives to Wahhabi terror since 2001. Due to the aforementioned internecine feud and Afghanistan's military crackdown on Wahhabi terror since 2015 between sixteen thousand and thirty three thousand Wahhabi terrorists have been militarily taken out in Afghanistan. Since 2001 Afghanistan's military has killed over seventy three thousand armed Wahhabi terrorists. Over 155,263 Saudi funded Wahhabi terrorists have been militarily taken out by the Syrian military in the last half decade alone.
The successful Syrian military resistance to Wahhabi terror has not only displeased America, Britain and Saudi Arabia but their ally Medinat Yisrael. Medinat Yisrael, Saudi Arabia, Rupert Murdoch, former US Vice President Richard Cheney and 4th baron Jacob Rothschild all stand to benefit from Genie Energy extracting oil from al Jawlan in Syria's border region with Lebanon and Palestine as was reported by Russia Today and Your News Wire.
Saudi Arabia and Israel's alliance can be explained with the attitude of theirs, due to their ideologies, in relation to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Both states were allies of the Iranian monarch Shah Mohammed Khan, also known as Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who was a brutal autocrat beholden to America and Britain for their involvement in settling his dispute with Mohammed Mossedeq bloodily with Operation Ajax. Since 1979 both Saudi Arabia and Israel have been enemies of Iran. Khomeini's Iran was a thorn in the side of Ba'athist Iraq which at the time was an ally of Saudi Arabia, America and Britain. Iran's allies in Lebanon, who would later for Hezbollah, made the situation militarily untenable for Israel. After Communist Afghanistan Iranian allied groups resisted the influence of Saudi funded Taliban and al Qaeda emirs.
Saudi Arabia spreads its disgusting ideology not only by funding and supporting armed organisations but schools and mosques as well. Fahd spent over $75,000,000,000 on schools, mosques and “charities” which are nothing more than fronts for armed Wahhabi groups in the manner that the World Assembly of Muslim Youth are a public relations front for al Qaeda. The aforementioned also accounts for spending decisions delegated to Fahd by Khalid towards the end of the latter's reign. Saudi Arabia, according to its own official figures, funds 210 Wahhabi religious centres, 1,500 mosques, 202 colleges and 2,000 schools to indoctrinate people with their ideology. This operation is run under Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Islamic Affairs through its body the Muslim World League. The material which is distributed in free literature provided by said institutions often dehumanises people of other faiths. As was previously mentioned they compare Shiites to canines but they also assert that Jews are monkeys and that Christians are porcines. They also explicitly advocate genocide the aforementioned religious groups. The sectarianism is clear for the world to see. Yet the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the brazen and two faced hypocrisy to issue statements such as “The Saudi Arabian government does not advocate or support the bigoted beliefs of extremists and there is no such organisation as the Saudi Arabian religious establishment.” If there is no Saudi Arabian religious establishment how do they explain the Ulema? How would they explain the Ikhwan in the history of the third Emirate of Saudi Arabia?
The Diriyah Emirate (1744-1818) and the Nejd Emirate (1824-1891) were the first two Saudi and Wahhabi states in Arabia. The third started out as a small Wahhabi Emirate in Qatif near Bahrain. Ibn Saud captured Nejd in 1902 by militarily retaking Riyadh, the third time the metropolis, including ad Diriyah, had served as the Saudi capital. A decade later Faisal al Dawish founded the Ikhwan a far right and puritanical group of xenophobic Wahhabi terrorists. Naturally Ibn Saud sought and gained their support. They captured al Ahsa from Turkey the year after. In 1921 they defeated the Rashid dynasty and the Jabal Shamaar Emirate based in Ha'il. They had been warring over territory in east Mecca region and west Riyadh region. The Ikhwan helped Ibn Saud take over Hejaz violently by the mid nineteen twenties. The Ikhwan wanted to annex Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait however Ibn Saud opposed it on the basis of his alliance with Great Britain. Ibn Saud massacred Ikhwan at Shabilla in 1929. After that the Nejd Emirate and Hejaz Emirate were merged into one in 1932. For the next half century the Wahhabi autocrats ruled on whim and decree alone until the Grand Mosque seizure were armed Wahhabi terrorists took over the Grand Mosque as they believed one of their leaders was the Mahdi id est they thought Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani was the Islamic messiah. After the military stand off lasting a fortnight 69 Wahhabi terrorists were killed and Khalid restored the power of Ikhwan style Wahhabi militants in the form of the Ulema. Their name has literal translations of scholars or learned ones, without the slightest hint of irony, but in practice they serve as an ultra right wing Wahhabi clique with the power of collective oppositional theocratic veto. Despite the violent, controversial and complex history Saudi Arabia still has temerity to state that it has no religious establishment.
Note well why Ibn Saud crushed the Ikhwan. Due to the Saudi Britain alliance. It is the alliances of powerful imperialist states, federations and councils such as Britain, America, Medinat Yisrael, Gulf Cooperation Council, EU, Germany and France that allows Saudi Arabia to spread its Wahhabi terror around the globe. If Western nations and states abandoned Saudi Arabia as they should then the emirate would be internationally isolated despite its Zionist and Gulf allies in the anti Iran coalition. Wahhabi terror groups would not be able to create chaos and murder people Imagine the damage that could be done to the OPEC cartel if Saudi Arabia was forced to pay thousands of percentages in tariffs on their petroleum exports. These punitive tariffs could be extended to the petroleum and other exports of their Zionist and Gulf allies. These unreconstructed terrorists and anti Western bigots, from Israel through Saudi Arabia to Bahrain, would soon be reconstructed and mend their aggressive disdain for international law and learn to respect Occidental civilisation and culture.
How has the European Union's alliance with Saudi Arabia worked out? Out of thirty one major terrorist attacks in EU nations since December 2010 twenty eight have been Wahhabi terrorists engaging in sectarian and racist violence. Out of the other three two attacks were far right terrorists engaging in similar violence and the other was a school bombing in a Sacra Corona Unita dispute. This is due to Saudi funding of groups in Syria and Libya as well. In Libya both the EU and Saudi Arabia supported NATO regime change against Muammar Gaddafi's leadership of the Jamahiriya. This included militarily supporting the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group/ Libyan Islamic Movement/ al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia and Libyan affiliates of D'aesh. Human Rights Investigations, the Anti Media, the New American, the American Thinker and Libyan War The Truth all reported the violent ethnic cleansing and genocide of dark complexioned Libyans that ensued during the violent regime change. This has led to al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia and D'aesh being well established as Wahhabi organisations in Libya. This and Wahhabi groups holding territories in Syria, Iraq and Yemen means the people unfortunately have no option but to flee to nations in the European Union with underfunded public services which pressurises national infrastructures. This is not helped by Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council or their ally Medinat Yisrael's attitudes to the people they played major roles in displacing.
Saudi Arabia's military intervention has led to over 3,154,572 Yemeni people being displaced also. The Saudi intervention on behalf of the Hadi loyalists has assisted the ambitions of the Wahhabi coalition of al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia and D'aesh who control large areas of territories in central and eastern Yemen. America, Britain, France, Jordan, Kuwait, Medinat Yisrael, Morocco, Qatar, UAE, Senegal and Sudan have all supported the violent chaos ensuing from the Wahhabi war crimes. This has led to the deaths of four thousand Yemeni people and the injury of over eleven thousand Yemeni people.
America's relationship with Saudi Arabia has hurt the American people. Despite being a Saudi ally there have been over sixty seven Wahhabi terrorist attacks on America since the Nixon administration resulting in the deaths of over 3,146 American people. Yet Big Oil, in cooperation with the OPEC cartel, influences the District of Columbia to the point America allies with a regime that sixty eight percent of their people view negatively as an enemy. The arms manufacturing industry benefits massively from this alliance as the American state department announced a sale of $60,000,000,000 worth of military aircraft to Saudi Arabia which had the full support of Medinat Yisrael. Andrew Shapiro had the brazen audacity to suggest it wasn't about Iran. That is exactly what it is about as Iran has the mettle and gumption to oppose and resist the malevolent military agendas of Wahhabi ideologues and their Zionist allies. Yet Iran is supposed to trust America on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action when the latter is irrationally arming and strengthening Iran's enemies when said states are already militarily capable.
Saudi Arabia is also a far right wing dictatorship. The definition of right wing and left wing comes from the French National Assembly the legislature that existed under the French monarchy. Supporters of His Majesty's government sat to the right of the king while opponents to His Majesty sat on the left side. In Saudi Arabia loyalty to His Majesty's government is not optional under the absolute monarchy. Being left wing is literally a capital offence in Saudi Arabia. The result is an ultra conservative societal approach to maintaining a far right Wahhabi autocracy. Even advocates of constitutional monarchy are executed. This shows the House of Saud's love of centralised power and governing by decree. Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi ideology has been compared to Fascism. Wahhabi judges enforce what they interpret to be Sharia rulings with the vicious authoritarianism of the Roman Imperial Civil Magistrate and there is centralised merger between the corporate and the state as the House of Saud's control of OPEC cartel and its relationship with Big Oil. Even the cosy relationship between the House of Saud and contractor Mohammed Binladen Organisation shows Fascism of the Mussolini brand with Bandar bin Sultan's relationship with the House of Bush's oil companies reinforcing this accurate perception.
Saudi Arabia fund the Taliban, al Qaeda and D'aesh's Khorasan unit in Afghanistan. D'aesh are currently fighting al Qaeda and the Taliban following a split in the Wahhabi leadership in Afghanistan after Mohammed Omar was killed. This is a battle for who will take control of a resurgent Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. All three groups indoctrinate children and use them as soldiers while aggressively policing tribal areas of Pashtunistan with Wahhabi vigilantism. The reason for Saudi involvement is that they do not want Iranian influence and allies gaining power directly to the Islamic Republic's east. Or as the Saudis articulated their strategy with sectarian bigotry “No Shia dogs”. There is undoubtedly an ethnic and cultural element to Saudi Arabia's hatred of Iran as Saudi Arabia emphasises that Iranians are Persian and denigrates Iranians as Zoroastrians even though only twenty five thousand people out of eighty million follow the religion. The Wahhabi war against post emirate Afghanistan has led to sixteen thousand Afghans losing their lives since 2015 and sixty four thousand Afghans have lost their lives to Wahhabi terror since 2001. Due to the aforementioned internecine feud and Afghanistan's military crackdown on Wahhabi terror since 2015 between sixteen thousand and thirty three thousand Wahhabi terrorists have been militarily taken out in Afghanistan. Since 2001 Afghanistan's military has killed over seventy three thousand armed Wahhabi terrorists. Over 155,263 Saudi funded Wahhabi terrorists have been militarily taken out by the Syrian military in the last half decade alone.
The successful Syrian military resistance to Wahhabi terror has not only displeased America, Britain and Saudi Arabia but their ally Medinat Yisrael. Medinat Yisrael, Saudi Arabia, Rupert Murdoch, former US Vice President Richard Cheney and 4th baron Jacob Rothschild all stand to benefit from Genie Energy extracting oil from al Jawlan in Syria's border region with Lebanon and Palestine as was reported by Russia Today and Your News Wire.
Saudi Arabia and Israel's alliance can be explained with the attitude of theirs, due to their ideologies, in relation to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Both states were allies of the Iranian monarch Shah Mohammed Khan, also known as Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who was a brutal autocrat beholden to America and Britain for their involvement in settling his dispute with Mohammed Mossedeq bloodily with Operation Ajax. Since 1979 both Saudi Arabia and Israel have been enemies of Iran. Khomeini's Iran was a thorn in the side of Ba'athist Iraq which at the time was an ally of Saudi Arabia, America and Britain. Iran's allies in Lebanon, who would later for Hezbollah, made the situation militarily untenable for Israel. After Communist Afghanistan Iranian allied groups resisted the influence of Saudi funded Taliban and al Qaeda emirs.
Saudi Arabia spreads its disgusting ideology not only by funding and supporting armed organisations but schools and mosques as well. Fahd spent over $75,000,000,000 on schools, mosques and “charities” which are nothing more than fronts for armed Wahhabi groups in the manner that the World Assembly of Muslim Youth are a public relations front for al Qaeda. The aforementioned also accounts for spending decisions delegated to Fahd by Khalid towards the end of the latter's reign. Saudi Arabia, according to its own official figures, funds 210 Wahhabi religious centres, 1,500 mosques, 202 colleges and 2,000 schools to indoctrinate people with their ideology. This operation is run under Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Islamic Affairs through its body the Muslim World League. The material which is distributed in free literature provided by said institutions often dehumanises people of other faiths. As was previously mentioned they compare Shiites to canines but they also assert that Jews are monkeys and that Christians are porcines. They also explicitly advocate genocide the aforementioned religious groups. The sectarianism is clear for the world to see. Yet the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the brazen and two faced hypocrisy to issue statements such as “The Saudi Arabian government does not advocate or support the bigoted beliefs of extremists and there is no such organisation as the Saudi Arabian religious establishment.” If there is no Saudi Arabian religious establishment how do they explain the Ulema? How would they explain the Ikhwan in the history of the third Emirate of Saudi Arabia?
The Diriyah Emirate (1744-1818) and the Nejd Emirate (1824-1891) were the first two Saudi and Wahhabi states in Arabia. The third started out as a small Wahhabi Emirate in Qatif near Bahrain. Ibn Saud captured Nejd in 1902 by militarily retaking Riyadh, the third time the metropolis, including ad Diriyah, had served as the Saudi capital. A decade later Faisal al Dawish founded the Ikhwan a far right and puritanical group of xenophobic Wahhabi terrorists. Naturally Ibn Saud sought and gained their support. They captured al Ahsa from Turkey the year after. In 1921 they defeated the Rashid dynasty and the Jabal Shamaar Emirate based in Ha'il. They had been warring over territory in east Mecca region and west Riyadh region. The Ikhwan helped Ibn Saud take over Hejaz violently by the mid nineteen twenties. The Ikhwan wanted to annex Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait however Ibn Saud opposed it on the basis of his alliance with Great Britain. Ibn Saud massacred Ikhwan at Shabilla in 1929. After that the Nejd Emirate and Hejaz Emirate were merged into one in 1932. For the next half century the Wahhabi autocrats ruled on whim and decree alone until the Grand Mosque seizure were armed Wahhabi terrorists took over the Grand Mosque as they believed one of their leaders was the Mahdi id est they thought Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani was the Islamic messiah. After the military stand off lasting a fortnight 69 Wahhabi terrorists were killed and Khalid restored the power of Ikhwan style Wahhabi militants in the form of the Ulema. Their name has literal translations of scholars or learned ones, without the slightest hint of irony, but in practice they serve as an ultra right wing Wahhabi clique with the power of collective oppositional theocratic veto. Despite the violent, controversial and complex history Saudi Arabia still has temerity to state that it has no religious establishment.
Note well why Ibn Saud crushed the Ikhwan. Due to the Saudi Britain alliance. It is the alliances of powerful imperialist states, federations and councils such as Britain, America, Medinat Yisrael, Gulf Cooperation Council, EU, Germany and France that allows Saudi Arabia to spread its Wahhabi terror around the globe. If Western nations and states abandoned Saudi Arabia as they should then the emirate would be internationally isolated despite its Zionist and Gulf allies in the anti Iran coalition. Wahhabi terror groups would not be able to create chaos and murder people Imagine the damage that could be done to the OPEC cartel if Saudi Arabia was forced to pay thousands of percentages in tariffs on their petroleum exports. These punitive tariffs could be extended to the petroleum and other exports of their Zionist and Gulf allies. These unreconstructed terrorists and anti Western bigots, from Israel through Saudi Arabia to Bahrain, would soon be reconstructed and mend their aggressive disdain for international law and learn to respect Occidental civilisation and culture.
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