the pervasive myth that Barack Obama was in any way, shape or form a
good president has not been killed off for some reason. This is a
Democratic Party zombie lie. Zombie lies is the name Home Box Office
Real Time comedian Bill Maher gave to GOP myths and lies that
persisted despite being continuously discredited. The launch of his
2008 presidential campaign in Springfield in Illinois should have
been a clue to what kind of president he would be. This is where
Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, made his House
Divided speech. He was not even a good Senator or a good Democrat
prior to his first presidential campaign. As US Senator for Illinois
he, like then president George Walker Bush, supported the Zionist
state of Medinat Yisrael's military offensive on Lebanon. Fortunately
Hezbollah prevented the Zionist state of Medinat Yisrael from killing
more than the 1,251 civilians they killed in the offensive. In 2005
Obama sponsored an immigration reform bill with John McCain and Ted
Kennedy. It failed. He was successful in sponsoring bills for
decommissioning weapons of mass destruction however this good work
has been undone with his misguided neoconservative, sorry “liberal
interventionist”, foreign policy bovine excrement provoking Russia
in Ukraine and Syria. It has also been undermined and undone by the
fact that nuclear warhead production is at peak production during his
presidency. Another successful bill sponsored by Obama that can be
viewed with irony is the Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act 2006 considering this man is the same right wing
zealot who cut hundreds of millions in food stamps but was happy to
give Cecile Richards and her organisation hundreds of millions which
have not been accounted for. It is notable how the US military never
got the same treatment from the 2009 Nobel Peace laureate that food
stamps and social welfare did. It is remarkable also how there is
always enough corporate welfare for Wall Street, Military contractors
and the abortion industry. One would think he was trying to
consolidate America as a Fascist dictatorship.
Obama is of Irish descent yet values the special relationship between Britain and America as well as supporting Bill Clinton's foreign policy disaster that was Sunningdale 2. Anyone still under the illusion that foreign military occupation, partition and segregationist apartheid work can come to Ireland, observe and tell me honestly that Sunningdale 2 functions well. Any objective observer can see clearly Sunningdale 2 is a miserable failure. As the Irish News and Irish Times have reported more people have died in Ireland since Sunningdale 2 than the amount who died in the war known as The Troubles. There are more segregationist peace lines which are massive walls literally physically segregating streets and residential areas than there were when Sunningdale 2 was signed. Yet Clinton still boasts about Sunningdale 2 and Obama still supports it. They criticise Irish Republicans who are using military operations against the British military to create a federal republic. Americans used military operations against the British military to create a federal republic known as the United States of America. Prior to his first election Obama had been photographed with a member of Provisional Sinn Féin Rita O'Hara in Washington District of Columbia in late 2007. This displeased Britain as Rita O'Hare was a wanted woman by the British state in connection with an act of resistance in Belfast during 1971. This was not the last thing Obama would do that would anger America's close ally Britain.
Despite the special relationship and the common imperialist agenda American and British relations have not always been as close as they appear. Cameron and Obama relations were as good as Blair and Bush relations. Obama's relationship with Gordon Brown was particularly awkward and volatile. Bush had grave doubts about Brown as premier but was glad that they proved detractors wrong in working together despite their differences. Elizabeth SaxeCorburg Gotha found Brown to be charming. Obama did not like the volcanic temperament of Brown at the 2009 G20 summit. Obama said to Brown's aide “Tell your guy to cool it.” Gordon Brown was an authoritarian and dictatorial bully who bullied everyone, colleague or opponent, from Kirkcaldy to Brussels. Knowing this Obama thought the best way to deal with Brown was to not greet him at the airport with a handshake, as per tradition especially with a close ally, but to make the excuse that he was “too tired” which angered a close ally. Brown thought that Obama was a political lightweight who did not realise the scale of global economic challenges. Obama felt Brown voicing said concern was unnecessary bullying.
Obama is the first Nobel Peace Laureate with a kill list. He is the first Nobel Peace Laureate to launch a successful murderous attack on another Nobel Peace Laureate. The first African American president incarcerated more, and forced labour off, African Americans than slaves on American plantations prior to the civil war. Regardless of the fact he was the first president to visit a federal prison that aforementioned statistic is disgraceful. Obama also made an Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan the president pro tempore of the United States Senate. As incredible as this sounds one can look up Obama and Senator Robert Byrd from West Virginia on the internet. Barack Obama and his Democratic Party administration broke the record of Adolf Hitler and NSDAP's Third Reich by becoming the regime which imprisoned more people than any other in recorded history.
Obama went much further than George Walker Bush with administration secrecy, administration paranoia and on making the definition of terrorism broad and ambiguous as well as blurring the line between innocent and guilty. Being a Tea Party activist, Occupy activist, having more than a week's supply of food, having physical injuries (this is extremely rich in hypocrisy considering there is no single payer nationalised health but it seems the Obama regime forgot that), buying torches, paying hotels in cash for services, texting in public, supporting Ron Paul, disagreeing with the US government, questioning the US government, owning precious metals as well as owning firearms and ammunition makes a person a terrorist in Obama's America. Note well Tea Party activists were suspected of terrorism by the Obama administration long before the Cliven Bundy debacle or the Oregon bird sanctuary armed takeover by a patriot militia. This paranoia is reminiscent of the Bush administration during the Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame Wilson whistle blowing controversy.
Both the Trans Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership were both negotiated in secret during Obama's presidency. Two major trading agreements which, like NAFTA, could have negative repercussions for the American judging on the material that has been disclosed in a small amount of leaks. (Huff Post and The Broker Online) It speaks volumes that Obama as a Democratic president let a dictatorial plutocracy negotiate trade deals to ensure corporate supremacy over national executives, national legislatures and national judiciaries.
Obama also had the chance to nationalise America's finances after the 2008 Wall Street crash cost the American economy over $2,500,000,000,000 in a fortnight. According to the Public Broadcasting Service the crash will cost America over $19,200,000,000,000 note well enough to significantly decrease US national debt. Obama could have taken control of the financial system of America and demanded all of and any regulation he wanted but much to the surprise of leaders of major banks Obama did not seek confrontation with the bankers. The bankers had won and got off Scot free as Obama had went softly on them and let them off the hook. This was undoubtedly a catastrophic mistake. Only one leading American banker went to jail for the crash. As PBS Frontline reported the banking leaders were ready to fold and go along with whatever Obama demanded of them. It should be noted that the American tax payer had already given over $700,000,000,000 in corporate welfare to bailout, a bailout that cost the US economy $29,000,000,000,000, the crashing banks which had ravished the economy prior to Obama allowing the banks to get away with their crimes. The thanks Obama got was that the very bank chiefs he showed leniency to snubbed his Wall Street public address a year later. Not even one bothered to show up. Financial regulation is still an issue as Bernie Sanders policy to restore Glass Steagall regulation in his campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination showed.
Health care reform was at the top of Obama's legislative agenda yet it took fourteen months for him to get the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed. It was the most significant regulatory reorganisation and reform to health care in statute since LBJ introduced Medicare, national insurance for elderly and disabled, and Medicaid, public insurance for low income Americans, in 1965. Medicaid was expanded as was the Children's' Health Insurance Program (CHIP) under Obamacare. Dollar limits on cover were abolished, policyholder dropping (exempli gratia in cases of sickness) was abolished, insurers had to provide mandatory cover for preventative care and screenings. Bundle payments to health care providers replaced the fee for service payments from Medicare. The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program was introduced to financially penalise, via a decreased bundle payment, hospitals that prematurely discharge patients. The Employer Mandate was not implemented until 2014.This was a tax penalty for employers with over fifty employees who did not insure said employees. This obviously hurt small businesses, which are the vertebrae of the American economy, and was undoubtedly a motivational factor in the National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius case in 2012 when the Supreme Court ruled that States could opt out of Medicaid expansion and several have done so. Despite the fact 11,400,000 more Americans now have health insurance it came at several costs. 30,503,000 Americans are still uninsured. 7,900,000 of those could potentially be insured by 2022 however it is not guaranteed. Implementing the contraceptive mandate on religious organisations was ruled to be incompatible with Bill Clinton's Religious Freedom Restoration Act by the Supreme Court in the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby during 2014. While healthcare expenditure went down as a percentage of the federal budget it had increased as a percentage of gross domestic product. The profits and stock prices of insurance companies soared into the stratosphere, the chief executive officers of the five biggest insurance companies made over $10,000,000 each annually and it led to the eight largest insurance companies increasing their Medicare and Medicaid membership by two hundred percent in a decade. Instead of creating a nationalised single payer health system, the kind that are the cheapest dollar for dollar to taxpayers and patients while increasing life expectancy, he mandated private insurance for uninsured Americans therefore consolidating the vigour of the healthcare insurance cartel. This was originally proposed, not by Hillary Clinton nor Mitt Romney although both advocated it later, by none other than the notoriously authoritarian conservative Richard Nixon. That ought to have been a warning sign for the American public. In relation to healthcare reform he wasted his majorities of sixteen Democratic senators and seventy six representatives. In the 2010 midterm elections his senatorial Democratic majority became just four while a majority of seventy six representatives became a minority trailing by forty nine representatives. A 2013 Gallup poll found that Americans simultaneously saw Obamacare as his biggest success and his biggest failure. This can be explained as Americans approved of expanding access to healthcare but they did not approve of the methodology, the amateur fashion of implementation and the fact Obama failed in his stated aim of not changing doctors and health plans of satisfied patients.
Obama says his biggest foreign policy mistake was not preparing for a post Gaddafi Libya. He does not believe using Al Qaeda, D'aesh and Ansar al Sharia as well as British and French NATO forces to overthrow Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya was a mistake. Muammar Gaddafi had an approval rating of 85% when he was overthrown. Bear in mind Obama's approval peaked at 68%. There was free energy for all citizens of the Libyan Jamahiriya. All banks were nationalised and usury was illegal. Gaddafi housed everyone in Libya. Newly wedded couples received $50,000 from the Jamahiriya when they married. Healthcare was nationalised and free to access for all. The Libyan Jamahiriya paid for students to study at college and university level at home and abroad. Gaddafi trebled the literacy rate in Libya. Farming and agriculture were nationalised with Libyan people getting land, houses, seeds and livestock to farm from the Jamahiriya. If Libyans bought a car the government paid for half. Petroleum was $0.14 per litre. There was no state debt. Oil revenues were deposited into citizens' bank accounts as in Norway. Every time a child was born in Libya the mother got $5,000 from the state. Forty loaves of bread cost $0.15 and a quarter of all Libyans were post graduates. Global Research highlighted that Gaddafi also irrigated the desert country with a man made river transporting 2,000,000 cubic metres of water across Libya. Libyans had the highest average wage and highest purchasing power in Africa. It was Africa's richest country yet the first African American president thought it would be a great idea to destroy it. Wikileaks has revealed that Obama and Secretary Clinton both knew that their strategy of arming al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia, D'aesh and Wahhabists in Libya would result in black genocide in Libya yet they both vigorously pursued that strategy anyway with callousness. The fact is that Obama militarily intervened in Libya without congressional oversight which is an impeachable offence under America's War Powers Act.
Syria has been a disaster. Five years of Wahhabist warfare and genocide has not removed Assad, al Ba'ath or the National Progressive Front Coalition and it not has not militarily defeated the Syrian Arab Army which are all facts pointed out by Al Masdar and Global Research. This ought to have been a logical outcome and projection. Lebanon were never going to allow a March 14th government to come to power to their east. This explains why Hezbollah were compelled to act militarily as Al Monitor pointed out. According to Al Monitor Iran were never going to make it easy for Saudi, Qatari, Emirate, Jordanian, Bahraini and Kuwaiti allied groups to take control of Syria. Iran has a legitimate security interest as destabilising Syria destabilises Kurdish provinces including Kurdistan province south of West Azerbaijan province. Iraq and Kurdistan have an interest in stable Dohuk and Ninevah provinces. Iraq has an interest in a stable Anbar province. Iran, Iraq and Syria have a collective interest in a stable Kurdistan. Turkey does not have this interest as it has been at war with Kurdistan since 1978. Turkey wants to win the war against Kurdistan, to regain the influence it had in the Ottoman era and it wants it's Wahhabist allies controlling Syria when Turkey joins the EU. Medinat Yisrael wants to keep al Jawlan hence they have directly assisted Wahhabists in al Jawlan. Syria and Lebanon have a legitimate security interest in keeping Wahhabists and Medinat Yisrael out of al Jawlan.
Obama supported militarily intervening by proximity combatants which led to over 470,000 people being killed and over 11,000,000 (United Nationas High Commissioner for Refugees July 2015) being forced from their homes. His administration has spent over $70,000,000,000 in support of Al Qaeda/ Jabhat al Nusra/ Jabhat Fateh al Sham, ISIS, Jaish Khalid Ibn al-Walid, Ahrar ash Sham, the Islamic Front, Jaysh al-Islam, Muhajirin wa-Ansar Alliance, Jabhat Ansa al-Din, Jaysh al-Nasr, Jaish al-Izzah, Abu Amara Brigades, Thuwar al-Sham Battalion, Alotfecat Brigades, Firqat ak Amiyn al Uwlaa Halab, Martyr Badr Yasturun Brigade, Army of Conquerors, Knights of Glory Brigade, al Moutasem Brigade, Liwa Ahfad Saladin, Liwa Dhi Qar, Army of Mujahedeen, Fastaqim Kama Umirt, Jaysh Usud al-Sharqiya, Jaysh al-Tawheed, Al-Jabha al-Suriyya lil-Tahrir, Ahmad al-Abdo Martyrs Brigades and Battalions, al-Rahman Legion, Al-Habib al-Mustafa Brigade, Liwa Al-Adiya, Jaysh al-Janoob, Alwiyat al-Jonu, Liwa Ahrar Souriya, Al-Fawj al-Awal, Al-Safwa Islamic Battalions, Jaish al-Tahrir and other Wahhabi gangs in this genocidal farce. Not only do the aforementioned gangs target Sunnis, Alawis, Shia, Yazidis, Kurds and Turk-men that they despise but they are also targeting Levantine Christians in a genocide of the people of the Christian faith all across their historic homeland of west Asia. Also Aramaic speakers are killed by the murderous terrorists. The people who speak Yesu of Nazareth's language are being killed. Obama claims he wakes up to Biblical scripture. If he is a Christian then he is not a very good Christian in any sense of the word.
Then there is the issue of the Northern Virginia battle flag. This was an example of collective punishment. Every Confederate commemorator who is not a terrorist, who is not racist and who did not murder nine innocent people in a place of worship are having the symbol they love attacked with a vicious gusto. Due to Obama, Republican Governor Nikki Haley and others linking the flag to that terrible crime the flag was removed from South Carolina state house. In Nikki Haley's case it was stinking hypocrisy as she was re-elected as South Carolina Governor in 2014 on a pledge to keep the flag up at the state house. The anti battle flag movement, as they are described by the New York Times and Civil War Talk, also want Mississippi to change their state flag so that the battle flag is removed and they want to ban Confederate flags. Even when Florida replaced the battle flag with the Star and Bars, the first flag of the Confederate States of America, the anti battle flag movement were not happy with the state's compromise. Adolf Hitler and NSDAP were the only people who banned the Confederate flag in 1935. NSDAP had centralised the Weimar federal republic into a unitary state under the Third Reich and they were not going to allow Germans to fly a flag which represents decentralisation after they had centralised the country. Another GOP zombie lie which has not been killed off is that the Confederacy was team slavery and that slavery would have carried on had they won. This has persisted for 151 years. This ignores numerous facts. The Confederacy abolished slavery in 1864 a mere year after the Union did. It ignores that Lincoln was a slave owning white supremacist who wanted all the black people to leave America. Unlike George Washington, Abraham Lincoln never freed his personal slaves. Abraham Lincoln believed that Caucasians were superior to every other race and he also believed that the human rights afforded to Caucasians in relation to people of other races should reflect that. He believed that free blacks wanting to remain in America were “selfish” and he suggested that black people in America should go to Central America and South America because they have a similar climate to Africa. He even suggested that they go back to Africa. This led to freed slaves colonising Liberia on America's behalf. In relation to the Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln said, in a letter to Horace Greeley, “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it “ It is hypocritical for the anti battle flag movement and Obama to complain about the battle flag reminding people of slavery when Obama got the anti slavery clause removed from the Trans Pacific Partnership to accommodate corporate slavery practiced in Malaysia. If only people concerned with slavery in 1860's America were concerned with the 30,000,000+ people enslaved today. Another aspect that is overlooked is that the Confederate paid soldiers equally regardless of race whereas the Union paid Caucasians higher than other soldiers as well as the Union having racially segregated regiments. Ulysses Grant owned slaves at White Haven and expelled Ashkenazim from the military districts he controlled. Yet the myth persists that the Confederates were the racist and pro slavery side in the Civil War. The main complaint of the anti battle flag movement is that the battle flag is racist, pro slavery and segregationist. If that is their assertion then why not ban the British Union Flag? After all that was the flag that flew over the ships containing slaves and the flag under which slavery in America was established. Or why not ban the Stars and Stripes? Slavery was practised under it and it has been used by groups like the Ku Klux Klan which is a complaint many people use against the battle flag. In any case, while no one denies there was mass enslavement of Bantu Africans in America, the inconvenient truth that is the elephant in the room of American discourse is that there were more Caucasians slaves than African slaves. A large number of these slaves were from Ireland. Yet Irish slavery and Caucasian slavery are often ignored or even denied. What makes this worse is that Obama's ancestors were from Offaly. As terrible as George Walker Bush was, and he was as equally horrible as Obama, the toxic racism in the American discourse never developed to this degree under his presidency. While Obama is not directly responsible for all of the racism in the discourse he has fanned the flames of hatred with shameless race baiting that has been parroted by a compliant media of lap dogs. Obama and his wife assail “white privilege” which is a largely discredited racist myth which is used as part of a right wing divide and conquer agenda against the working class. It is no different this time thus the zombie lie stays alive and well. He tries to use this wedge as throwing a dead cat on the table so that black people are angry at a tiny minority of white people who are racist instead of the fact over 6,300 black people died violent deaths on America's streets in each year of his presidency.( ( This along with estimates of 365,705 (Guttmacher) and 684,740 (Black Genocide Organisation) black babies aborted every year meaning between 3 million and 5.5 million black people lost their lives violently in America during Obama's presidency. Conservative commentator Larry Elder strongly asserts that over 7,000 black people died violent deaths on US streets in every year of Obama's rule.
Household incomes decreased by 8.2% in his first term which amounted to a loss of $3,040 per household. Median incomes were lower under Obama than they were under Bush. Caucasians' incomes decreased by 1.6% and men's incomes decreased by 2.2%. Fifteen percent of Americans live in poverty. Four hundred thousand Americans fell into poverty conditions during 2014. Poverty in America is defined as families of four or more people living on an income of $24,230 or less. Over a quarter of black people, almost a quarter of Hispanic people and a tenth of Caucasians in America live in poverty as do over a fifth of children in America. As registered Democrat Chris Wallace revealed on Fox News, Rupert Murdoch and Alwaleed bin Talal's television channel, a fifth of black youths are unemployed. The bottom 80% incomes decreased and the top 20% incomes increased under Obama leading to the greatest income inequality in America since 1928. This despite six years of economic growth and record private sector employment vacancies. This while in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 American corporations had record high net profits. The Dow Jones reached its peak under Obama breaking the previous record set under Bill Clinton. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Obama is not a Communist Socialist despite the right wing of the GOP asserting otherwise. Unemployed under Obama peaked in October 2009 when 15,700,000 Americans were out of work. It is true that between 7,700,000 and 8,300,000 jobs have been created during Obama's presidency. To put this into perspective that is only between 962,500 and 1,037,500 jobs created per year in an economy that was worth $14,720,000,000,000 per ear which has grown to $18,558,000,000,000 per year thus this shows how poor a return in jobs from a growing economy occurred. His support of Apple dodging a tax bill of between £11,000,000,000/ €12,947,220,048/ $14,445,860,000 and £14,467,812,924/ €17,029,667,473/ $19,000,000,000 owed to Ireland shows his ideology and what section of people he represents. His ideology is not revolutionary socialism and he does not represent the working class. To put the tax dodged by Apple into perspective it could have funded 565,217 Irish nurses, it could have funded the building of 86,000 homes and it could have funded a £16,955/ €20,000/ $22,265 job for all of Ireland's unemployed for three years. Ireland's health budget is £13,420,000,000/ €16,000,000,000/ $17,850,000,000 so it could have funded the health service for a year. Obama has failed miserably in preventing losses to the United States treasury through corporate inversions despite promising to legislate against this tax evasion in 2014. With a national debt of over $22,000,000,000,000 (US debt clock) America cannot afford to lose $16,400,000,000 in inversions every presidency.(Fortune Magazine, Bloomberg) Not once was the minimum wage increased during Obama's presidency.
Barack Obama made it crystal clear that in terms of class war that he was on the side of the rich. He is on the side of the upper class. He made this clear on two occasions when twice, at Cameron's request, going out of his way to do favours for the former British Prime Minister. The first time was when he implored the people of Scotland to vote against their country's independence and their own interests thus ensuring Project Fear worked. It did as 2,001,926 people 55% of Scottish electorate voted No to independence. The second time was when during the European Union referendum he loudly endorsed Remain. It is known that this was directly on behalf of Downing Street due to the fact Obama stuck to their exact scripting of the speech. An American would say in terms of trade deals Britain would go to the back of the line to issue such a warning. Obama said back of the queue as Downing Street officials thought it would be better received by the public if he used the English Brythonic idiom instead of the North American expression. Yet such subtle pandering could not compensate for the arrogant, condescending, patronising, bullying and threatening tone of the address which was the centrepiece of Project Fear part two which was the main strategy of the Remain campaign. That threat probably inspired a number of the 17,410,742 people who voted for Brexit to do so. Make no mistake the European referendum campaign was class war and the rich used blackmail, threats, smears, fear, intimidation, racism, wedges, taxpayer funded propaganda, lies, baseless assertions, hypothetical apocalyptic dystopias, outright vitriol and hostile diatribes against the working class to make sure, from their perspective, that the stupid plebs did what they were bloody well told and to not rock the boat by having the audacity to strike a blow for sovereignty, control and democracy. By making the direct interventions into British internal politics he sided with the rich and made it clear he sided with the rich. One of the reasons Obama articulated for promoting Remain was that America could impose trade deals advantageous for corporations on trading blocks like TPP and TTIP. Obama sees those corporate imposed trade deals as crucial to American power. Note well TTIP failed thanks largely to Brexit. Brexit showed that a plutocratic autocrat like Obama could be deemed powerless and irrelevant. Despite the favours Cameron was unable to return the quid pro quo. Obama had wanted to directly intervene militarily in Syria with boots on the ground, on the side of ISIS and al Qaeda, after the crossing of the red line of a chemical attack, which was carried out by his proxies. David Cameron and Nick Clegg, then Liberal Democrat leader and Deputy Prime Minister, had agreed to give Obama their full support and assistance in that endeavour. Out of the main party leaders in Westminster at the time only Ed Milliband, then leader of the British Labour Party, had the gumption to defy Obama and stand against intervening in Syria. It should be pointed out that a right wing Ashkenazim Jew stopped Obama intervening in Syria militarily for Zionist interests. Milliband was by no means the perfect leader and he supports Zionism but at least he had the common sense and foresight to predict what a cataclysmic mess getting involved directly in the war against Syria would create. Thus it went to a vote in the Commons and members of parliament voted against the war. Another ironic aspect of Milliband preventing Obama's intervention is that David Axelrod politically advised both individuals.
Obama's supporters hold up the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action as a success. They ignore the fact that America has no right to limit or hinder the number of centrifuges Iran has, how much research and development Iran undertakes in relation to nuclear power or how much uranium Iran stockpiles. If external nations made America limit it's centrifuges, it's nuclear research or it's uranium stockpiles America would shriek bloody murder in a voluminous outcry. Yet in a blatantly Persophobic double standard hypocrisy Iran is expected to accept these unfair impositions for at least a decade and a half. Despite Obama imposing this on Iran America's Wahhabist allies in Riyadh and the Gulf Cooperation Council as well as America's Zionist allies in west Jerusalem were all furious with Obama for not imposing more on the innocent nation of Iran. Note well it was not Iran but America who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, what the Obama administration term as America “being a Pacific power traditionally”, and it is not Iran but America that has a special relationship with Britain the nation that tested nuclear weapons on the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara people of Maralinga in south Australia. Both America and Britain were involved in JCPA in international manoeuvring and actions epitomising hypocrisy considering the aforementioned nations roles in Operation Ajax.
What has pleased the Zionists a great deal more is that they have been able to murder over 4,154 Palestinians during his presidency with impunity. In the sane time period America gave the Zionist state over $40,000,000,000/ £30,118,667,550/ €35,718,750,558 in aid. This works out at $5,000,000,000/ £3,765,060,241/ €4,464,843,820 a year, $416,666,667/ £313,755,020/ €372,070,319 a month, $104,166,666/ £78,423,401/ €93,017,579 a week and $14,880,952/ £11,203,341/ €13,287,454 a day. This is the extent of Obama's support for the Zionist state which has broken all previous records for the American presidents since Harry Truman. Note well that the Zionist state did not exist in the presidencies prior to Harry Truman's presidency. This makes Obama the most Zionist president of America in history. Jim Traficant says the prior figures are foreign aid alone but when every transfer of American taxpayer dollars to the Zionist state are taken into account it is $15,000,000,000 a year and $120,000,000,000 over the Obama presidency. Note well the Zionist state's supreme court found that Jim Traficant was correct as he had accounted for every dollar and cent with United States State Department documents as hard evidence. This was prior to the announcement that America would increase military aid to the Zionist state by $38,000,000,000. Benjamin Mileikowsky had demanded an extra $45,000,000,000.
Obama who promised to end American military involvement in wars and aggression has been zealously imperialist and this is exemplified by the fact his administration has spent over $100,000,000,000 per year on 900 military bases around the world while creating another drone base in Niger. Kyle Kulinski explained that profligacy results in cities in America without access to clean water and an inability to improve on grade D infrastructure. William D Hartung pointed in The Nation that the Obama administration has brokered more arms deals than other US administration since World War 2.
Then there was his disgraceful behaviour during the Planned Parenthood scandal. When the story broke on 14th July 2015 Obama's first action was to tweet “We recognize that every child deserves opportunity. Not just some. Not just our own.” Considering over 8 million babies have been aborted during his presidency and that is the raison d'etre of Planned Parenthood it was grossly insensitive and offensive. Children in Planned Parenthood do not even get the opportunity to live their life. On 8th January 2016 he vetoed a bill that would have ceased government funding for Planned Parenthood. Obama's administration has given Planned Parenthood over $4,000,000,000 of American taxpayers' money and has used over $18,000,000,000 for what is euphemistically termed “family planning” despite the prohibition in US law from taxpayers' money going towards abortion in the Hyde amendment. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthoood, donated $133,763 to Barack Obama and to put this into perspective Hillary Clinton received $46,282 from Richards in the same time. Planned Parenthood spent $12,000,000 in the 2012 presidential campaign to ensure Obama got reelected. The Obama administration has given $91,000,000 towards promoting abortion outside America. This includes $18,000,000 for a pro abortion NGO in Kenya and such an action was illegal until Obama repealed the law preventing aid to abortion promoters. In addition he has given over $50,00,000 to the United Nations Family Planning Agency. The UNFPA are the organisation who forcibly sterilised people, as NSDAP did in Germany, and forced mothers to get unwanted abortions like ISIS do in Syria and Iraq. Federal Congressional Representative for New Jersey Chris Smith suggested Obama gave as much as $227,000,000 of US tax dollars to UNFPA. Note well that this happened despite the prohibition on foreign assistance to abortionists under the Helms amendment.
There was the arrogance he displayed at the G8 summit in Fermanagh, when the Russian Federation was still aligned with the G7. Obama came into Belfast, already a heavily militarised city, in a Black Hawk with accompanying Black Hawks. Much to his annoyance was the fact that West Belfast community group Gael Force Art held a protest on Sliabh Dubh with the words G8/NWO WAR CRIMINALS written in sheets on the mountain fields. The fact a group of local working class people had held a small protest that the world would see did not please Obama at all and he let it be known through a statement when his press secretary complained of the “protest on Belfast mountain” ignoring the fact Sliabh Dubh translates as Black Mountain and not Belfast Mountain. You would hope a constitutional lawyer could handle basic geography but Obama seemed to think geography was irrelevant to geopolitics. This was a precursor to Brexit in the sense that it showed Obama's redundancy in the face of working class protest.

On the issue of the Turkey coup there are claims the Central Intelligence Agency of America supported the coup and that Fethullah Gulen is a CIA agent. Yet Obama's administration insists that Erdogan's Turkey is an ally and his administration even sided with Turkey as Obama threw his allies in Kurdistan under the bus and abandoned them. Medinat Yisrael, the Zionist state of Israel, said they would like to see a different regime in Ankara publicly while they were renewing diplomatic ties with Turkey. This shows the two faced brazen hypocrisy of Obama and his Zionist allies.
Obama tried to blame his failure on environmental issues on Republican partisanship. This is partially true but this shows his disgusting hypocrisy. On the issue of climate change the Democratic Party has science and the moral high ground on this subject but the Republican Party has Big Oil's energy lobby acting as the Behemoth as a driving force in opposing environmentally friendly legislation. On abortion the Republican Party has science and the moral high ground on the debate but the Democratic Party has the anti life movement, as they are described by Professor Raymond Dennehy, and abortion industry behind to block child protection legislation. So since Obama used Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Emily's List and Marie Stopes to prevent Republican bills for child protection he cannot complain when Republicans use Koch industries, Exxon and Chevron to block environmentally friendly legislation. This makes no sense as he is alienating pro life Democrats who constitute a third of Democrats in America. Pro life Democrats agree with the Democratic Party on 99% of other issues. This abortion extremism from Obama has had detrimental consequences for America. Forty percent of Republicans now believe it is acceptable for a pregnant woman to pay an individual to kill their baby as do a callous fifty percent of the American people. This shows Obama's immorality has adversely affected the moral compass of the American people as this is the highest percentage of people supporting abortion since George W Bush's second term. Obama's abortion zealotry has harmed the Democratic Party. Under Obama's leadership Democrats have lost thirty state chambers, eleven state Governorships, thirteen federal senators, sixty nine federal representatives and nine hundred and twelve state legislature seats across America with the lowest number of Democratic representatives since the Hoover administration. This is the worst performance for the party since the New Deal.
George Walker Bush was correctly condemned for being a warmongering dictator as was Tony Blair but Obama is just as extreme if not more so. Bush attacked five countries. Blair attacked and occupied five nations. Obama went further than both with eight. Bush attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen. Blair attacked and occupied Ireland, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Kosovo and Afghanistan. Obama attacked Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia,Yemen and Laos. This has undoubtedly pleased Neoconservatives and liberal interventionists. A damning indictment is that the Obama administration was more unpopular in Arab nations than the younger Bush's administration according to polls taken in 2011 and 2014.
In Afghanistan Obama will leave 8,400 American soldiers there when his presidency ends. This is the same amount George Walker Bush had in militarily assisting the Afghan Northern Alliance against the Taliban to create a post Islamic Emirate Afghanistan on 11th September 2002. That means American military presence is as heavy as the first year of the war to remove the Islamic Emirate. How has this worked out? The Taliban and al Qaeda are killing at the same rate in Afghanistan that Boko Haram are doing in Zamfara, Biafra and eastern Benin. If that was not enough turmoil a faction of ISIS has emerged from a post Mohammed Omar split in the Taliban. This is the Khorasan province unit. They are allied with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan a Wahhabi movement previously allied with al Qaeda. The Afghan faction of ISIS want to take over Afghanistan for a return of the Islamic Emirate like the Taliban and al Qaeda. They also want to work with the IMU while using Afghanistan as a base, once established, to attack Iran. They currently have small pockets of territory in Konar, Nangarhar, Ghazni and Zabol. More worrying is that the Taliban and al Qaeda have territory in Herát and Faráh with proximal back up in Ghowr. They also control territory in Helmand and Kandahar just above Balochistan. Despite the fact that government controls most of Afghanistan, including large parts of Pashtunistan in its jurisdiction, there have been over thirty thousand deaths in the last two years alone. Under Bush thirty thousand people lost their lives in Afghanistan whereas under Obama it is over fifty thousand people.
Obama's foreign policy operates in a wished for world and fantasy land which explains Clinton's and Kerry's records in the State Department. Associated Press journalist Matt Lee exposed this when asking a question on whether the US would accept the reality of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's nuclear ballistic defence and Crimea becoming a Russian republic. John Kirby said they would not. Transnistria has been an independent Soviet republic since 1992 when it kept its independence after a war with Moldova. Due to America's alliance with Moldova it does not recognise the reality of Russian ally Transnistria. This is dangerous considering America's spearheading of NATO's military challenge to Russia by installing the Nazist junta in Kyiv as Transnistria is directly to the west of Ukraine.
Another sickening aspect of Obama's foreign policy is that he cravenly ingratiates to Saudi Arabia. He supported and enforced the Saudi position on Libya, Syria and Yemen. Obama, Britain, France, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar, Turkey, Sudan and Senegal all actively support the Saudi led Wahhabist coalition which includes ISIS, al Qaeda and Anssar al Sharia. This is the exact same strategy and modus operandi used in Libya and Syria. This has led to ten thousand people being killed with over four thousand of them being civilians. This genocidal campaign and wanton destruction has devastated what was already the poorest Arab country.
Obama vetoed a bill allowing 9/11 victims families to sue the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their role in funding al Qaeda. Fortunately for the victims families congress overturned Obama's veto.
In conclusion Obama has failed on foreign policy and diplomatic relations, the economy, economic policy and reform, healthcare, race relations, restricting donor influence (without even mentioning Citizens United), banking and financial reform, trade deals, diminishing corporate power in general, defending human rights, defending the American constitution, national security, defending civil liberties on social welfare and entitlements (he proposed a budget which would have cut Social Security, a political position to the right of Donald Trump), on sustenance, on corporate welfare reform, on environmental protection despite his veto of Keystone XL, defending 9/11 victims, general reform (remember Hope and Change?), wealth distribution, fiscal policy, fiscal reform, monetarist policy and reform, progressive tax burden, infrastructure, transparency and secrecy and the list of failures goes on and on. He did face racism and unfair conspiracy theories rumour milled against him but the fact must be faced that he was a bad president. He was obnoxious, arrogant and smug. His skin colour is not the reason most people don't like him. It is his ideology of defending the elite at everyone else's cost while being totally patronising and condescending simultaneously in the act of doing. His unforgivable failing was that he was yet another extremist Neoconservative corporate lap dog who was no better than his predecessors having promised to be so much more and so much better.
Obama is of Irish descent yet values the special relationship between Britain and America as well as supporting Bill Clinton's foreign policy disaster that was Sunningdale 2. Anyone still under the illusion that foreign military occupation, partition and segregationist apartheid work can come to Ireland, observe and tell me honestly that Sunningdale 2 functions well. Any objective observer can see clearly Sunningdale 2 is a miserable failure. As the Irish News and Irish Times have reported more people have died in Ireland since Sunningdale 2 than the amount who died in the war known as The Troubles. There are more segregationist peace lines which are massive walls literally physically segregating streets and residential areas than there were when Sunningdale 2 was signed. Yet Clinton still boasts about Sunningdale 2 and Obama still supports it. They criticise Irish Republicans who are using military operations against the British military to create a federal republic. Americans used military operations against the British military to create a federal republic known as the United States of America. Prior to his first election Obama had been photographed with a member of Provisional Sinn Féin Rita O'Hara in Washington District of Columbia in late 2007. This displeased Britain as Rita O'Hare was a wanted woman by the British state in connection with an act of resistance in Belfast during 1971. This was not the last thing Obama would do that would anger America's close ally Britain.
Despite the special relationship and the common imperialist agenda American and British relations have not always been as close as they appear. Cameron and Obama relations were as good as Blair and Bush relations. Obama's relationship with Gordon Brown was particularly awkward and volatile. Bush had grave doubts about Brown as premier but was glad that they proved detractors wrong in working together despite their differences. Elizabeth SaxeCorburg Gotha found Brown to be charming. Obama did not like the volcanic temperament of Brown at the 2009 G20 summit. Obama said to Brown's aide “Tell your guy to cool it.” Gordon Brown was an authoritarian and dictatorial bully who bullied everyone, colleague or opponent, from Kirkcaldy to Brussels. Knowing this Obama thought the best way to deal with Brown was to not greet him at the airport with a handshake, as per tradition especially with a close ally, but to make the excuse that he was “too tired” which angered a close ally. Brown thought that Obama was a political lightweight who did not realise the scale of global economic challenges. Obama felt Brown voicing said concern was unnecessary bullying.
Obama is the first Nobel Peace Laureate with a kill list. He is the first Nobel Peace Laureate to launch a successful murderous attack on another Nobel Peace Laureate. The first African American president incarcerated more, and forced labour off, African Americans than slaves on American plantations prior to the civil war. Regardless of the fact he was the first president to visit a federal prison that aforementioned statistic is disgraceful. Obama also made an Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan the president pro tempore of the United States Senate. As incredible as this sounds one can look up Obama and Senator Robert Byrd from West Virginia on the internet. Barack Obama and his Democratic Party administration broke the record of Adolf Hitler and NSDAP's Third Reich by becoming the regime which imprisoned more people than any other in recorded history.
Obama went much further than George Walker Bush with administration secrecy, administration paranoia and on making the definition of terrorism broad and ambiguous as well as blurring the line between innocent and guilty. Being a Tea Party activist, Occupy activist, having more than a week's supply of food, having physical injuries (this is extremely rich in hypocrisy considering there is no single payer nationalised health but it seems the Obama regime forgot that), buying torches, paying hotels in cash for services, texting in public, supporting Ron Paul, disagreeing with the US government, questioning the US government, owning precious metals as well as owning firearms and ammunition makes a person a terrorist in Obama's America. Note well Tea Party activists were suspected of terrorism by the Obama administration long before the Cliven Bundy debacle or the Oregon bird sanctuary armed takeover by a patriot militia. This paranoia is reminiscent of the Bush administration during the Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame Wilson whistle blowing controversy.
Both the Trans Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership were both negotiated in secret during Obama's presidency. Two major trading agreements which, like NAFTA, could have negative repercussions for the American judging on the material that has been disclosed in a small amount of leaks. (Huff Post and The Broker Online) It speaks volumes that Obama as a Democratic president let a dictatorial plutocracy negotiate trade deals to ensure corporate supremacy over national executives, national legislatures and national judiciaries.
Obama also had the chance to nationalise America's finances after the 2008 Wall Street crash cost the American economy over $2,500,000,000,000 in a fortnight. According to the Public Broadcasting Service the crash will cost America over $19,200,000,000,000 note well enough to significantly decrease US national debt. Obama could have taken control of the financial system of America and demanded all of and any regulation he wanted but much to the surprise of leaders of major banks Obama did not seek confrontation with the bankers. The bankers had won and got off Scot free as Obama had went softly on them and let them off the hook. This was undoubtedly a catastrophic mistake. Only one leading American banker went to jail for the crash. As PBS Frontline reported the banking leaders were ready to fold and go along with whatever Obama demanded of them. It should be noted that the American tax payer had already given over $700,000,000,000 in corporate welfare to bailout, a bailout that cost the US economy $29,000,000,000,000, the crashing banks which had ravished the economy prior to Obama allowing the banks to get away with their crimes. The thanks Obama got was that the very bank chiefs he showed leniency to snubbed his Wall Street public address a year later. Not even one bothered to show up. Financial regulation is still an issue as Bernie Sanders policy to restore Glass Steagall regulation in his campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination showed.
Health care reform was at the top of Obama's legislative agenda yet it took fourteen months for him to get the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed. It was the most significant regulatory reorganisation and reform to health care in statute since LBJ introduced Medicare, national insurance for elderly and disabled, and Medicaid, public insurance for low income Americans, in 1965. Medicaid was expanded as was the Children's' Health Insurance Program (CHIP) under Obamacare. Dollar limits on cover were abolished, policyholder dropping (exempli gratia in cases of sickness) was abolished, insurers had to provide mandatory cover for preventative care and screenings. Bundle payments to health care providers replaced the fee for service payments from Medicare. The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program was introduced to financially penalise, via a decreased bundle payment, hospitals that prematurely discharge patients. The Employer Mandate was not implemented until 2014.This was a tax penalty for employers with over fifty employees who did not insure said employees. This obviously hurt small businesses, which are the vertebrae of the American economy, and was undoubtedly a motivational factor in the National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius case in 2012 when the Supreme Court ruled that States could opt out of Medicaid expansion and several have done so. Despite the fact 11,400,000 more Americans now have health insurance it came at several costs. 30,503,000 Americans are still uninsured. 7,900,000 of those could potentially be insured by 2022 however it is not guaranteed. Implementing the contraceptive mandate on religious organisations was ruled to be incompatible with Bill Clinton's Religious Freedom Restoration Act by the Supreme Court in the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby during 2014. While healthcare expenditure went down as a percentage of the federal budget it had increased as a percentage of gross domestic product. The profits and stock prices of insurance companies soared into the stratosphere, the chief executive officers of the five biggest insurance companies made over $10,000,000 each annually and it led to the eight largest insurance companies increasing their Medicare and Medicaid membership by two hundred percent in a decade. Instead of creating a nationalised single payer health system, the kind that are the cheapest dollar for dollar to taxpayers and patients while increasing life expectancy, he mandated private insurance for uninsured Americans therefore consolidating the vigour of the healthcare insurance cartel. This was originally proposed, not by Hillary Clinton nor Mitt Romney although both advocated it later, by none other than the notoriously authoritarian conservative Richard Nixon. That ought to have been a warning sign for the American public. In relation to healthcare reform he wasted his majorities of sixteen Democratic senators and seventy six representatives. In the 2010 midterm elections his senatorial Democratic majority became just four while a majority of seventy six representatives became a minority trailing by forty nine representatives. A 2013 Gallup poll found that Americans simultaneously saw Obamacare as his biggest success and his biggest failure. This can be explained as Americans approved of expanding access to healthcare but they did not approve of the methodology, the amateur fashion of implementation and the fact Obama failed in his stated aim of not changing doctors and health plans of satisfied patients.
Obama says his biggest foreign policy mistake was not preparing for a post Gaddafi Libya. He does not believe using Al Qaeda, D'aesh and Ansar al Sharia as well as British and French NATO forces to overthrow Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya was a mistake. Muammar Gaddafi had an approval rating of 85% when he was overthrown. Bear in mind Obama's approval peaked at 68%. There was free energy for all citizens of the Libyan Jamahiriya. All banks were nationalised and usury was illegal. Gaddafi housed everyone in Libya. Newly wedded couples received $50,000 from the Jamahiriya when they married. Healthcare was nationalised and free to access for all. The Libyan Jamahiriya paid for students to study at college and university level at home and abroad. Gaddafi trebled the literacy rate in Libya. Farming and agriculture were nationalised with Libyan people getting land, houses, seeds and livestock to farm from the Jamahiriya. If Libyans bought a car the government paid for half. Petroleum was $0.14 per litre. There was no state debt. Oil revenues were deposited into citizens' bank accounts as in Norway. Every time a child was born in Libya the mother got $5,000 from the state. Forty loaves of bread cost $0.15 and a quarter of all Libyans were post graduates. Global Research highlighted that Gaddafi also irrigated the desert country with a man made river transporting 2,000,000 cubic metres of water across Libya. Libyans had the highest average wage and highest purchasing power in Africa. It was Africa's richest country yet the first African American president thought it would be a great idea to destroy it. Wikileaks has revealed that Obama and Secretary Clinton both knew that their strategy of arming al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia, D'aesh and Wahhabists in Libya would result in black genocide in Libya yet they both vigorously pursued that strategy anyway with callousness. The fact is that Obama militarily intervened in Libya without congressional oversight which is an impeachable offence under America's War Powers Act.
Syria has been a disaster. Five years of Wahhabist warfare and genocide has not removed Assad, al Ba'ath or the National Progressive Front Coalition and it not has not militarily defeated the Syrian Arab Army which are all facts pointed out by Al Masdar and Global Research. This ought to have been a logical outcome and projection. Lebanon were never going to allow a March 14th government to come to power to their east. This explains why Hezbollah were compelled to act militarily as Al Monitor pointed out. According to Al Monitor Iran were never going to make it easy for Saudi, Qatari, Emirate, Jordanian, Bahraini and Kuwaiti allied groups to take control of Syria. Iran has a legitimate security interest as destabilising Syria destabilises Kurdish provinces including Kurdistan province south of West Azerbaijan province. Iraq and Kurdistan have an interest in stable Dohuk and Ninevah provinces. Iraq has an interest in a stable Anbar province. Iran, Iraq and Syria have a collective interest in a stable Kurdistan. Turkey does not have this interest as it has been at war with Kurdistan since 1978. Turkey wants to win the war against Kurdistan, to regain the influence it had in the Ottoman era and it wants it's Wahhabist allies controlling Syria when Turkey joins the EU. Medinat Yisrael wants to keep al Jawlan hence they have directly assisted Wahhabists in al Jawlan. Syria and Lebanon have a legitimate security interest in keeping Wahhabists and Medinat Yisrael out of al Jawlan.
Obama supported militarily intervening by proximity combatants which led to over 470,000 people being killed and over 11,000,000 (United Nationas High Commissioner for Refugees July 2015) being forced from their homes. His administration has spent over $70,000,000,000 in support of Al Qaeda/ Jabhat al Nusra/ Jabhat Fateh al Sham, ISIS, Jaish Khalid Ibn al-Walid, Ahrar ash Sham, the Islamic Front, Jaysh al-Islam, Muhajirin wa-Ansar Alliance, Jabhat Ansa al-Din, Jaysh al-Nasr, Jaish al-Izzah, Abu Amara Brigades, Thuwar al-Sham Battalion, Alotfecat Brigades, Firqat ak Amiyn al Uwlaa Halab, Martyr Badr Yasturun Brigade, Army of Conquerors, Knights of Glory Brigade, al Moutasem Brigade, Liwa Ahfad Saladin, Liwa Dhi Qar, Army of Mujahedeen, Fastaqim Kama Umirt, Jaysh Usud al-Sharqiya, Jaysh al-Tawheed, Al-Jabha al-Suriyya lil-Tahrir, Ahmad al-Abdo Martyrs Brigades and Battalions, al-Rahman Legion, Al-Habib al-Mustafa Brigade, Liwa Al-Adiya, Jaysh al-Janoob, Alwiyat al-Jonu, Liwa Ahrar Souriya, Al-Fawj al-Awal, Al-Safwa Islamic Battalions, Jaish al-Tahrir and other Wahhabi gangs in this genocidal farce. Not only do the aforementioned gangs target Sunnis, Alawis, Shia, Yazidis, Kurds and Turk-men that they despise but they are also targeting Levantine Christians in a genocide of the people of the Christian faith all across their historic homeland of west Asia. Also Aramaic speakers are killed by the murderous terrorists. The people who speak Yesu of Nazareth's language are being killed. Obama claims he wakes up to Biblical scripture. If he is a Christian then he is not a very good Christian in any sense of the word.
Then there is the issue of the Northern Virginia battle flag. This was an example of collective punishment. Every Confederate commemorator who is not a terrorist, who is not racist and who did not murder nine innocent people in a place of worship are having the symbol they love attacked with a vicious gusto. Due to Obama, Republican Governor Nikki Haley and others linking the flag to that terrible crime the flag was removed from South Carolina state house. In Nikki Haley's case it was stinking hypocrisy as she was re-elected as South Carolina Governor in 2014 on a pledge to keep the flag up at the state house. The anti battle flag movement, as they are described by the New York Times and Civil War Talk, also want Mississippi to change their state flag so that the battle flag is removed and they want to ban Confederate flags. Even when Florida replaced the battle flag with the Star and Bars, the first flag of the Confederate States of America, the anti battle flag movement were not happy with the state's compromise. Adolf Hitler and NSDAP were the only people who banned the Confederate flag in 1935. NSDAP had centralised the Weimar federal republic into a unitary state under the Third Reich and they were not going to allow Germans to fly a flag which represents decentralisation after they had centralised the country. Another GOP zombie lie which has not been killed off is that the Confederacy was team slavery and that slavery would have carried on had they won. This has persisted for 151 years. This ignores numerous facts. The Confederacy abolished slavery in 1864 a mere year after the Union did. It ignores that Lincoln was a slave owning white supremacist who wanted all the black people to leave America. Unlike George Washington, Abraham Lincoln never freed his personal slaves. Abraham Lincoln believed that Caucasians were superior to every other race and he also believed that the human rights afforded to Caucasians in relation to people of other races should reflect that. He believed that free blacks wanting to remain in America were “selfish” and he suggested that black people in America should go to Central America and South America because they have a similar climate to Africa. He even suggested that they go back to Africa. This led to freed slaves colonising Liberia on America's behalf. In relation to the Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln said, in a letter to Horace Greeley, “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it “ It is hypocritical for the anti battle flag movement and Obama to complain about the battle flag reminding people of slavery when Obama got the anti slavery clause removed from the Trans Pacific Partnership to accommodate corporate slavery practiced in Malaysia. If only people concerned with slavery in 1860's America were concerned with the 30,000,000+ people enslaved today. Another aspect that is overlooked is that the Confederate paid soldiers equally regardless of race whereas the Union paid Caucasians higher than other soldiers as well as the Union having racially segregated regiments. Ulysses Grant owned slaves at White Haven and expelled Ashkenazim from the military districts he controlled. Yet the myth persists that the Confederates were the racist and pro slavery side in the Civil War. The main complaint of the anti battle flag movement is that the battle flag is racist, pro slavery and segregationist. If that is their assertion then why not ban the British Union Flag? After all that was the flag that flew over the ships containing slaves and the flag under which slavery in America was established. Or why not ban the Stars and Stripes? Slavery was practised under it and it has been used by groups like the Ku Klux Klan which is a complaint many people use against the battle flag. In any case, while no one denies there was mass enslavement of Bantu Africans in America, the inconvenient truth that is the elephant in the room of American discourse is that there were more Caucasians slaves than African slaves. A large number of these slaves were from Ireland. Yet Irish slavery and Caucasian slavery are often ignored or even denied. What makes this worse is that Obama's ancestors were from Offaly. As terrible as George Walker Bush was, and he was as equally horrible as Obama, the toxic racism in the American discourse never developed to this degree under his presidency. While Obama is not directly responsible for all of the racism in the discourse he has fanned the flames of hatred with shameless race baiting that has been parroted by a compliant media of lap dogs. Obama and his wife assail “white privilege” which is a largely discredited racist myth which is used as part of a right wing divide and conquer agenda against the working class. It is no different this time thus the zombie lie stays alive and well. He tries to use this wedge as throwing a dead cat on the table so that black people are angry at a tiny minority of white people who are racist instead of the fact over 6,300 black people died violent deaths on America's streets in each year of his presidency.( ( This along with estimates of 365,705 (Guttmacher) and 684,740 (Black Genocide Organisation) black babies aborted every year meaning between 3 million and 5.5 million black people lost their lives violently in America during Obama's presidency. Conservative commentator Larry Elder strongly asserts that over 7,000 black people died violent deaths on US streets in every year of Obama's rule.
Household incomes decreased by 8.2% in his first term which amounted to a loss of $3,040 per household. Median incomes were lower under Obama than they were under Bush. Caucasians' incomes decreased by 1.6% and men's incomes decreased by 2.2%. Fifteen percent of Americans live in poverty. Four hundred thousand Americans fell into poverty conditions during 2014. Poverty in America is defined as families of four or more people living on an income of $24,230 or less. Over a quarter of black people, almost a quarter of Hispanic people and a tenth of Caucasians in America live in poverty as do over a fifth of children in America. As registered Democrat Chris Wallace revealed on Fox News, Rupert Murdoch and Alwaleed bin Talal's television channel, a fifth of black youths are unemployed. The bottom 80% incomes decreased and the top 20% incomes increased under Obama leading to the greatest income inequality in America since 1928. This despite six years of economic growth and record private sector employment vacancies. This while in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 American corporations had record high net profits. The Dow Jones reached its peak under Obama breaking the previous record set under Bill Clinton. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Obama is not a Communist Socialist despite the right wing of the GOP asserting otherwise. Unemployed under Obama peaked in October 2009 when 15,700,000 Americans were out of work. It is true that between 7,700,000 and 8,300,000 jobs have been created during Obama's presidency. To put this into perspective that is only between 962,500 and 1,037,500 jobs created per year in an economy that was worth $14,720,000,000,000 per ear which has grown to $18,558,000,000,000 per year thus this shows how poor a return in jobs from a growing economy occurred. His support of Apple dodging a tax bill of between £11,000,000,000/ €12,947,220,048/ $14,445,860,000 and £14,467,812,924/ €17,029,667,473/ $19,000,000,000 owed to Ireland shows his ideology and what section of people he represents. His ideology is not revolutionary socialism and he does not represent the working class. To put the tax dodged by Apple into perspective it could have funded 565,217 Irish nurses, it could have funded the building of 86,000 homes and it could have funded a £16,955/ €20,000/ $22,265 job for all of Ireland's unemployed for three years. Ireland's health budget is £13,420,000,000/ €16,000,000,000/ $17,850,000,000 so it could have funded the health service for a year. Obama has failed miserably in preventing losses to the United States treasury through corporate inversions despite promising to legislate against this tax evasion in 2014. With a national debt of over $22,000,000,000,000 (US debt clock) America cannot afford to lose $16,400,000,000 in inversions every presidency.(Fortune Magazine, Bloomberg) Not once was the minimum wage increased during Obama's presidency.
Barack Obama made it crystal clear that in terms of class war that he was on the side of the rich. He is on the side of the upper class. He made this clear on two occasions when twice, at Cameron's request, going out of his way to do favours for the former British Prime Minister. The first time was when he implored the people of Scotland to vote against their country's independence and their own interests thus ensuring Project Fear worked. It did as 2,001,926 people 55% of Scottish electorate voted No to independence. The second time was when during the European Union referendum he loudly endorsed Remain. It is known that this was directly on behalf of Downing Street due to the fact Obama stuck to their exact scripting of the speech. An American would say in terms of trade deals Britain would go to the back of the line to issue such a warning. Obama said back of the queue as Downing Street officials thought it would be better received by the public if he used the English Brythonic idiom instead of the North American expression. Yet such subtle pandering could not compensate for the arrogant, condescending, patronising, bullying and threatening tone of the address which was the centrepiece of Project Fear part two which was the main strategy of the Remain campaign. That threat probably inspired a number of the 17,410,742 people who voted for Brexit to do so. Make no mistake the European referendum campaign was class war and the rich used blackmail, threats, smears, fear, intimidation, racism, wedges, taxpayer funded propaganda, lies, baseless assertions, hypothetical apocalyptic dystopias, outright vitriol and hostile diatribes against the working class to make sure, from their perspective, that the stupid plebs did what they were bloody well told and to not rock the boat by having the audacity to strike a blow for sovereignty, control and democracy. By making the direct interventions into British internal politics he sided with the rich and made it clear he sided with the rich. One of the reasons Obama articulated for promoting Remain was that America could impose trade deals advantageous for corporations on trading blocks like TPP and TTIP. Obama sees those corporate imposed trade deals as crucial to American power. Note well TTIP failed thanks largely to Brexit. Brexit showed that a plutocratic autocrat like Obama could be deemed powerless and irrelevant. Despite the favours Cameron was unable to return the quid pro quo. Obama had wanted to directly intervene militarily in Syria with boots on the ground, on the side of ISIS and al Qaeda, after the crossing of the red line of a chemical attack, which was carried out by his proxies. David Cameron and Nick Clegg, then Liberal Democrat leader and Deputy Prime Minister, had agreed to give Obama their full support and assistance in that endeavour. Out of the main party leaders in Westminster at the time only Ed Milliband, then leader of the British Labour Party, had the gumption to defy Obama and stand against intervening in Syria. It should be pointed out that a right wing Ashkenazim Jew stopped Obama intervening in Syria militarily for Zionist interests. Milliband was by no means the perfect leader and he supports Zionism but at least he had the common sense and foresight to predict what a cataclysmic mess getting involved directly in the war against Syria would create. Thus it went to a vote in the Commons and members of parliament voted against the war. Another ironic aspect of Milliband preventing Obama's intervention is that David Axelrod politically advised both individuals.
Obama's supporters hold up the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action as a success. They ignore the fact that America has no right to limit or hinder the number of centrifuges Iran has, how much research and development Iran undertakes in relation to nuclear power or how much uranium Iran stockpiles. If external nations made America limit it's centrifuges, it's nuclear research or it's uranium stockpiles America would shriek bloody murder in a voluminous outcry. Yet in a blatantly Persophobic double standard hypocrisy Iran is expected to accept these unfair impositions for at least a decade and a half. Despite Obama imposing this on Iran America's Wahhabist allies in Riyadh and the Gulf Cooperation Council as well as America's Zionist allies in west Jerusalem were all furious with Obama for not imposing more on the innocent nation of Iran. Note well it was not Iran but America who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, what the Obama administration term as America “being a Pacific power traditionally”, and it is not Iran but America that has a special relationship with Britain the nation that tested nuclear weapons on the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara people of Maralinga in south Australia. Both America and Britain were involved in JCPA in international manoeuvring and actions epitomising hypocrisy considering the aforementioned nations roles in Operation Ajax.
What has pleased the Zionists a great deal more is that they have been able to murder over 4,154 Palestinians during his presidency with impunity. In the sane time period America gave the Zionist state over $40,000,000,000/ £30,118,667,550/ €35,718,750,558 in aid. This works out at $5,000,000,000/ £3,765,060,241/ €4,464,843,820 a year, $416,666,667/ £313,755,020/ €372,070,319 a month, $104,166,666/ £78,423,401/ €93,017,579 a week and $14,880,952/ £11,203,341/ €13,287,454 a day. This is the extent of Obama's support for the Zionist state which has broken all previous records for the American presidents since Harry Truman. Note well that the Zionist state did not exist in the presidencies prior to Harry Truman's presidency. This makes Obama the most Zionist president of America in history. Jim Traficant says the prior figures are foreign aid alone but when every transfer of American taxpayer dollars to the Zionist state are taken into account it is $15,000,000,000 a year and $120,000,000,000 over the Obama presidency. Note well the Zionist state's supreme court found that Jim Traficant was correct as he had accounted for every dollar and cent with United States State Department documents as hard evidence. This was prior to the announcement that America would increase military aid to the Zionist state by $38,000,000,000. Benjamin Mileikowsky had demanded an extra $45,000,000,000.
Obama who promised to end American military involvement in wars and aggression has been zealously imperialist and this is exemplified by the fact his administration has spent over $100,000,000,000 per year on 900 military bases around the world while creating another drone base in Niger. Kyle Kulinski explained that profligacy results in cities in America without access to clean water and an inability to improve on grade D infrastructure. William D Hartung pointed in The Nation that the Obama administration has brokered more arms deals than other US administration since World War 2.
Then there was his disgraceful behaviour during the Planned Parenthood scandal. When the story broke on 14th July 2015 Obama's first action was to tweet “We recognize that every child deserves opportunity. Not just some. Not just our own.” Considering over 8 million babies have been aborted during his presidency and that is the raison d'etre of Planned Parenthood it was grossly insensitive and offensive. Children in Planned Parenthood do not even get the opportunity to live their life. On 8th January 2016 he vetoed a bill that would have ceased government funding for Planned Parenthood. Obama's administration has given Planned Parenthood over $4,000,000,000 of American taxpayers' money and has used over $18,000,000,000 for what is euphemistically termed “family planning” despite the prohibition in US law from taxpayers' money going towards abortion in the Hyde amendment. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthoood, donated $133,763 to Barack Obama and to put this into perspective Hillary Clinton received $46,282 from Richards in the same time. Planned Parenthood spent $12,000,000 in the 2012 presidential campaign to ensure Obama got reelected. The Obama administration has given $91,000,000 towards promoting abortion outside America. This includes $18,000,000 for a pro abortion NGO in Kenya and such an action was illegal until Obama repealed the law preventing aid to abortion promoters. In addition he has given over $50,00,000 to the United Nations Family Planning Agency. The UNFPA are the organisation who forcibly sterilised people, as NSDAP did in Germany, and forced mothers to get unwanted abortions like ISIS do in Syria and Iraq. Federal Congressional Representative for New Jersey Chris Smith suggested Obama gave as much as $227,000,000 of US tax dollars to UNFPA. Note well that this happened despite the prohibition on foreign assistance to abortionists under the Helms amendment.
There was the arrogance he displayed at the G8 summit in Fermanagh, when the Russian Federation was still aligned with the G7. Obama came into Belfast, already a heavily militarised city, in a Black Hawk with accompanying Black Hawks. Much to his annoyance was the fact that West Belfast community group Gael Force Art held a protest on Sliabh Dubh with the words G8/NWO WAR CRIMINALS written in sheets on the mountain fields. The fact a group of local working class people had held a small protest that the world would see did not please Obama at all and he let it be known through a statement when his press secretary complained of the “protest on Belfast mountain” ignoring the fact Sliabh Dubh translates as Black Mountain and not Belfast Mountain. You would hope a constitutional lawyer could handle basic geography but Obama seemed to think geography was irrelevant to geopolitics. This was a precursor to Brexit in the sense that it showed Obama's redundancy in the face of working class protest.

Gaddafi was not the only head of state Obama's administration has
violently removed and Bashar al Assad is not the only head of state
that Obama's administration has tried to remove through violent
proxies. Viktor Yanukovych was removed by Nazists in Ukraine which
was not only the EU but Obama's administration also. John McCain,
Obama's opponent in 2008 who supports the same Neoconservative
agenda, was pictured with the Nazists in Maidan, a square in the
Ukrainian capital city Kyiv. John McCain was also pictured with ISIS
leaders in Syria as part of the proxy war against Syria. Far right
nationalists, Fascists, Nazists and violent conservatives all
supported the US and EU backed coup in Ukraine. Right Sector,
National Assembly – Ukrainian People's Self-Defence, Congress of
Ukrainian Nationalists, the all Ukrainian Union Fatherland, all
Ukrainian Union Freedom and the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for
Reform (the acronym of which spells the Ukrainian idiom for “punch”)
all supported the US and EU coup. All of those parties range from the
right to the far right. Fatherland, Right Sector and Azov Battalion
affiliates have all openly called for Russian genocide. For his
extremist Zionism Obama saw little wrong with the Nazist junta
persecuting and murdering Ashkenazim Jews and attacking synagogues
in Ukraine. Neither for that matter did anyone associated with the
illegitimate entity of Medinat Yisrael also known as the Zionist
state of Israel. The Anti Semitic hypocrisy should be clear and
evident to all. Also Obama insists Putin's Russian Federation is the
aggressor against the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation but this is
fantastic bovine excrement. It ought to be pointed out that it was
the NATO backed Nazist junta who shelled innocent civilians in west
Russia and that the Russian Federation did not even retaliate to that
genocidal act of terrorism. There are 27 NATO military bases around
Russia. 8 of these are around Iran also with 11 in regional proximity
to Iran. 10 of these are also around and in regional proximity to
China but all are strategically placed to encircle Russia from the
west. The locations of these bases are no accident. This will
increase to 28 around Russia and 9 around Iran and 12 in regional
proximity to Iran when the construction of Britain's base in Bahrain
is completed.
NATO's paranoia in relation to the Russian Federation must be scrutinised heavily and it must also be put firmly into proper context and perspective. The Warsaw Pact never implemented regime change in the United States of America however NATO did implement regime change against the Soviet Union.
Obama's administration has also been funding the Venezuelan opposition and sanctioning the Bolivarian Socialist nation in a concerted campaign to remove the elected leader Nicholas Maduro who has stated that a Venezuelan coup would be met with a tougher crackdown than Turkey's crackdown on the Gulenists. Maduro has also refused to recognise the illegitimate Michel Temer government in Brazil on the principle it is a dictatorship that emerged from an American backed coup. While Dilma Rousseff has seen her approval ratings decrease they are still higher than Temer's ratings and it should be pointed out previous Brazilian presidents have not been impeached for manipulating government accounts which begs the question what made Rousseff different? Was it that Rousseff was a social democrat who objected to the American National Security Agency spying on herself as well as her government? Was it the fact that she objected to Obama and Clinton bringing the horror of a genocidal dictatorship in Honduras? It could also have something to do with that Rousseff opposed Obama's monetarist policies. America accuse Workers Party Brazil of being too close and friendly with Maduro's Venezuela and having previously been similarly allied to Chavez as diplomatically disingenuous of Brazil. Obama and Clinton had previously objected to their alliance with Cuba before their own relations with Castro's Cuba improved.
NATO's paranoia in relation to the Russian Federation must be scrutinised heavily and it must also be put firmly into proper context and perspective. The Warsaw Pact never implemented regime change in the United States of America however NATO did implement regime change against the Soviet Union.
Obama's administration has also been funding the Venezuelan opposition and sanctioning the Bolivarian Socialist nation in a concerted campaign to remove the elected leader Nicholas Maduro who has stated that a Venezuelan coup would be met with a tougher crackdown than Turkey's crackdown on the Gulenists. Maduro has also refused to recognise the illegitimate Michel Temer government in Brazil on the principle it is a dictatorship that emerged from an American backed coup. While Dilma Rousseff has seen her approval ratings decrease they are still higher than Temer's ratings and it should be pointed out previous Brazilian presidents have not been impeached for manipulating government accounts which begs the question what made Rousseff different? Was it that Rousseff was a social democrat who objected to the American National Security Agency spying on herself as well as her government? Was it the fact that she objected to Obama and Clinton bringing the horror of a genocidal dictatorship in Honduras? It could also have something to do with that Rousseff opposed Obama's monetarist policies. America accuse Workers Party Brazil of being too close and friendly with Maduro's Venezuela and having previously been similarly allied to Chavez as diplomatically disingenuous of Brazil. Obama and Clinton had previously objected to their alliance with Cuba before their own relations with Castro's Cuba improved.
On the issue of the Turkey coup there are claims the Central Intelligence Agency of America supported the coup and that Fethullah Gulen is a CIA agent. Yet Obama's administration insists that Erdogan's Turkey is an ally and his administration even sided with Turkey as Obama threw his allies in Kurdistan under the bus and abandoned them. Medinat Yisrael, the Zionist state of Israel, said they would like to see a different regime in Ankara publicly while they were renewing diplomatic ties with Turkey. This shows the two faced brazen hypocrisy of Obama and his Zionist allies.
Obama tried to blame his failure on environmental issues on Republican partisanship. This is partially true but this shows his disgusting hypocrisy. On the issue of climate change the Democratic Party has science and the moral high ground on this subject but the Republican Party has Big Oil's energy lobby acting as the Behemoth as a driving force in opposing environmentally friendly legislation. On abortion the Republican Party has science and the moral high ground on the debate but the Democratic Party has the anti life movement, as they are described by Professor Raymond Dennehy, and abortion industry behind to block child protection legislation. So since Obama used Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Emily's List and Marie Stopes to prevent Republican bills for child protection he cannot complain when Republicans use Koch industries, Exxon and Chevron to block environmentally friendly legislation. This makes no sense as he is alienating pro life Democrats who constitute a third of Democrats in America. Pro life Democrats agree with the Democratic Party on 99% of other issues. This abortion extremism from Obama has had detrimental consequences for America. Forty percent of Republicans now believe it is acceptable for a pregnant woman to pay an individual to kill their baby as do a callous fifty percent of the American people. This shows Obama's immorality has adversely affected the moral compass of the American people as this is the highest percentage of people supporting abortion since George W Bush's second term. Obama's abortion zealotry has harmed the Democratic Party. Under Obama's leadership Democrats have lost thirty state chambers, eleven state Governorships, thirteen federal senators, sixty nine federal representatives and nine hundred and twelve state legislature seats across America with the lowest number of Democratic representatives since the Hoover administration. This is the worst performance for the party since the New Deal.
George Walker Bush was correctly condemned for being a warmongering dictator as was Tony Blair but Obama is just as extreme if not more so. Bush attacked five countries. Blair attacked and occupied five nations. Obama went further than both with eight. Bush attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen. Blair attacked and occupied Ireland, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Kosovo and Afghanistan. Obama attacked Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia,Yemen and Laos. This has undoubtedly pleased Neoconservatives and liberal interventionists. A damning indictment is that the Obama administration was more unpopular in Arab nations than the younger Bush's administration according to polls taken in 2011 and 2014.
In Afghanistan Obama will leave 8,400 American soldiers there when his presidency ends. This is the same amount George Walker Bush had in militarily assisting the Afghan Northern Alliance against the Taliban to create a post Islamic Emirate Afghanistan on 11th September 2002. That means American military presence is as heavy as the first year of the war to remove the Islamic Emirate. How has this worked out? The Taliban and al Qaeda are killing at the same rate in Afghanistan that Boko Haram are doing in Zamfara, Biafra and eastern Benin. If that was not enough turmoil a faction of ISIS has emerged from a post Mohammed Omar split in the Taliban. This is the Khorasan province unit. They are allied with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan a Wahhabi movement previously allied with al Qaeda. The Afghan faction of ISIS want to take over Afghanistan for a return of the Islamic Emirate like the Taliban and al Qaeda. They also want to work with the IMU while using Afghanistan as a base, once established, to attack Iran. They currently have small pockets of territory in Konar, Nangarhar, Ghazni and Zabol. More worrying is that the Taliban and al Qaeda have territory in Herát and Faráh with proximal back up in Ghowr. They also control territory in Helmand and Kandahar just above Balochistan. Despite the fact that government controls most of Afghanistan, including large parts of Pashtunistan in its jurisdiction, there have been over thirty thousand deaths in the last two years alone. Under Bush thirty thousand people lost their lives in Afghanistan whereas under Obama it is over fifty thousand people.
Obama's foreign policy operates in a wished for world and fantasy land which explains Clinton's and Kerry's records in the State Department. Associated Press journalist Matt Lee exposed this when asking a question on whether the US would accept the reality of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's nuclear ballistic defence and Crimea becoming a Russian republic. John Kirby said they would not. Transnistria has been an independent Soviet republic since 1992 when it kept its independence after a war with Moldova. Due to America's alliance with Moldova it does not recognise the reality of Russian ally Transnistria. This is dangerous considering America's spearheading of NATO's military challenge to Russia by installing the Nazist junta in Kyiv as Transnistria is directly to the west of Ukraine.
Another sickening aspect of Obama's foreign policy is that he cravenly ingratiates to Saudi Arabia. He supported and enforced the Saudi position on Libya, Syria and Yemen. Obama, Britain, France, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar, Turkey, Sudan and Senegal all actively support the Saudi led Wahhabist coalition which includes ISIS, al Qaeda and Anssar al Sharia. This is the exact same strategy and modus operandi used in Libya and Syria. This has led to ten thousand people being killed with over four thousand of them being civilians. This genocidal campaign and wanton destruction has devastated what was already the poorest Arab country.
Obama vetoed a bill allowing 9/11 victims families to sue the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their role in funding al Qaeda. Fortunately for the victims families congress overturned Obama's veto.
In conclusion Obama has failed on foreign policy and diplomatic relations, the economy, economic policy and reform, healthcare, race relations, restricting donor influence (without even mentioning Citizens United), banking and financial reform, trade deals, diminishing corporate power in general, defending human rights, defending the American constitution, national security, defending civil liberties on social welfare and entitlements (he proposed a budget which would have cut Social Security, a political position to the right of Donald Trump), on sustenance, on corporate welfare reform, on environmental protection despite his veto of Keystone XL, defending 9/11 victims, general reform (remember Hope and Change?), wealth distribution, fiscal policy, fiscal reform, monetarist policy and reform, progressive tax burden, infrastructure, transparency and secrecy and the list of failures goes on and on. He did face racism and unfair conspiracy theories rumour milled against him but the fact must be faced that he was a bad president. He was obnoxious, arrogant and smug. His skin colour is not the reason most people don't like him. It is his ideology of defending the elite at everyone else's cost while being totally patronising and condescending simultaneously in the act of doing. His unforgivable failing was that he was yet another extremist Neoconservative corporate lap dog who was no better than his predecessors having promised to be so much more and so much better.
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