Sunday, 20 November 2016

Failure of US Foreign Policy

According to the Global Policy Forum the United States of America carried out 189 military interventions between 1798 and 2005. Including the seven military interventions under Barack Obama this amounts to a hundred and ninety six military interventions by a nation state that is merely twenty four decades old. Counter Currents reported that the United States of America has invaded seventy countries since it declared its independence on 4th July 1776. Both Counter Currents and Global Research have stated that American military interventions have directly caused the deaths of between twenty million and thirty million people since the second world war. The Middle East Eye drew attention to the four million casualties of the Islamic faith since Desert Storm. The disastrous aggressive foreign policy doesn't just harm and hurt people from nations outside America. The Public Broadcasting System showed that 674,798 of the total 1.1 million American soldiers killed have lost their lives in conflicts, due to thoughtless interventions, since the first world war. In many cases neoconservative military interventions cause deteriorations in scenarios that were already ripe for catastrophic ethnic violence. This is easily provable and can be demonstrated with analysis of interventions by individual case study.

Desert Storm killed 38,664 Iraqis and three hundred Americans in a month. “Containment” of Iraq by America id est economic sanctions and intensive bombing murdered over 2 million people in Iraq. Operation Iraqi Liberation led to the deaths of over 1.7 million Iraqis, killed five thousand Americans and wounded thirty three thousand. Between 2003 and 2005 seven hundred thousand Assyrians and Iraqi Christians were forced to flee to Syria due to the Neocon military assault lighting an ethnoreligious tinder box. A hundred thousand Arab refugees were forced out of southern Kurdistan. Other victims of Kurdification were Assyrian Christians and Turkmen. Sunni Arabs forced seventy thousand Kurds out of west Mosul. Sunnis fled Basra. Shiites were forced from Samarra and Baquva. American military interventions in Iraq created an environment were al Qaeda's Iraqi branch and it's successor D'aesh could thrive and succeed. The Pentagon's Neocon policy of deBa'athification and purging the state and government of Sunnis provided an ample amount of recruits who were armed for the Wahhabi terrorists. Powell's citing of al Zarqawi's gang in the former's speech at the UN gave the predecessors of ISIS credibility in the eyes of Usama Bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri. Retaliatory violence from Moqtada al Sadr and Jaish al Mahdi made Sunni Shiite relations worse. To provide context the ethnic map of Iraq is displayed below. This map is from the American government of all sources. Yet the governments of America, Britain, Australia and Poland looked at that, knowing the potential for racial and sectarian violence as well as Wahhabi terror, and in their absolute ideological arrogance thought they could introduce massive scale military violence to the situation without problems and detrimental consequences to make money off a Saudi oil cartel and recreating Pinochet's Chile by privatising and liberalising Iraq's economy with no protectionism whatsoever.
It is not only in west Asia that America strengthens the position of Wahhabi and Zionist terrorists. America's participation in the Yugoslav wars is nothing short of shameful. In Operation Deliberate Force, subtle name(!), America dropped 1,026, 708 of them laser guided, bombs on 338 targets in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was all done within a fortnight and killed fifty four Yugoslavs. Operation Deliberate Force was the first time the Luftwaffe had seen action since its action in the second world war for the Third Reich. This military operation emboldened the Saudi High Commission for Relief of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was Salman's “charity” for funnelling money to al Qaeda in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This led to the Mostar car bombing of Croatian Christians. Fortunately there were no deaths but twenty nine serious injuries. It also allowed EU expansion into Yugoslavia and NATO encroachment towards Russia in recent decades. In Deliberate Force America was militarily supported by Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Of course this was all too late for the 2,500+ Bosnians killed in the second Sebrinica massacre and far too late for the 2,383 Serbs that died during the first Sebrinica massacre, not that America cared as Serbs were loyal to Yugoslavia which America considered its enemy, so humanitarianism as a pretentious pretext is clearly disingenuous as it is in every regime change case. Over sixty two thousand Bosnians, over twenty five thousand Serbs and eight thousand Croats lost their lives during the Bosnian War. Two million and seven hundred thousand Yugoslavs were ethnically cleansed in Bosnia. It is clear Bosnians forced Serbs out of Bonsanski Petrovoc, Kljuc, Modrica, Ilijas, Kresevo Breza, Visoko, Lopare, Teocak, Ugljevik, Gorazde, Pale Praca, Trnovo and Konjic. Croats ethnically cleansed Serbs from Bihac, Drvar, Bosanko Grahavo, Glamoc, Kupres, Jajce, Prozor and Mostar. The Serbs forced Bosnians and Croats out of an area from Novi Grad, Ribnik and Banja Luka in the west to Brcko in the east which constituted the Srpska Yugolav republic. The Serbs also ethnically cleansed Bosnians from Zvarnik to Foca in the east. Croats forced Bosnians out of Jajce, Novi Travnik, Vitez, Busovaca, Kiseljak and Kresevo. Bosnians cleansed Croats from a centralised territory from Gradacac, Gracinica, Srebinik, Celic, Teocak, Tuzla and east Doboj in the north to Prozor, Jablanica and Konjic in the south. This shows that American military involvement in Bosnia and Herzegovina made an ethnically tense heterogeneity more dangerous like it did in Lebanon (under Ronald Reagan), Iraq, Libya and Syria. The context for Bosnia and Herzegovina is set below comparing 1991 ethnic map with 1998. The key for the maps is Serbians are red, Croatians are blue and Bosnians are green.
America was not finished with Yugoslavia, with the context for this paragraph and the last set with the map above, under Bill Clinton. Noble Anvil and Allied Force was barbaric and brutal unjustified attack on Yugoslavia that was illegal under international law. The atrocious deaths of 10,161 Kosovans, 5,259 Serbs, 27 Roma people, 10 Ashkhali people, 9 Montenegrins, 4 Bosnians, 4 Egyptians, 3 Chinese journalists and seven other Yugoslavia people in the Kosovo War did not justify the American military coalition with Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Turkey, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, Portugal and Spain laying siege to Yugoslavia in a fifteen month onslaught of aerial bombing. The rationale was that it would help the Kosovans yet the bombing killed three hundred innocent civilians in Kosovo. The bombing also killed 6,652 Serbians. As with Bosnia and Herzegovina American military intervention exacerbated ethnic violence. Additional perspective is further evidence by the 1991 Kosovo ethnic map alongside the 2005 Kosovo ethnic map. In both maps Serbians are red and Albanians are green.
America has a poor record militarily intervening in Afghanistan since Jimmy Carter's disastrous Operation Cyclone in 1979, prior to Soviet intervention on behalf of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, which led directly to the creation of al Qaeda and the Taliban. This was not only to counter Soviet influence from the north but to diminish Iranian influence from the west. Both of the aforementioned objectives were aims of Carter and Reagan. Carter did not want Ayatollah Khomeini gaining further popularity and power in the wake of having overthrown Shah Mohammed Khan of the Pahlavi dynasty. Supporting the Taliban and al Qaeda against the Soviet Union had consequences. Over two million Afghans died in a decade long war. This led to a three year civil war which killed over twenty five thousand Afghans. Over six thousand more Afghans died in the four year civil war that followed which led to the Taliban takeover and establishing its Wahhabi emirate. There was half a decade of ethnic violence against Hazara, Ismaili, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Turkmen and Uzbeks under the Taliban emirate. American militarily intervening once again in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom led to the deaths of fifty thousand Afghans and two and a half thousand Americans while wounding twenty thousand in a thirteen year long war lasting longer than Johnson, Nixon and Ford's catastrophes in Vietnam which killed 1.8 million Vietnamese and sixty thousand Americans. Another fifteen thousand Afghans have been killed in another war in the last two years alone and another American military intervention by Obama has cost thirty Americans their lives. Neither D'aesh nor al Qaeda and the Taliban have been deterred even after losing over sixteen thousand combatants. In fact they are engaged in not only anti Afghan government insurgency but internecine fratricide as there have been splits among Wahhabi terrorists since Mullah Mohammed Omar was killed. To provide a panoramic picture of the evidence we should look at the ethnic map of Afghanistan. The key is light blue for Pashtun, red for Baloch, yellow for Tajiks, green for Turkmen, brown for Uzbeks, pink for Hazara, purple for Nuristanis, turquoise for Ismaili and orange for Kyrgyz people. To understand the current conflict this must be viewed alongside the territorial map in the current phase of the military conflict. The key is pink for Afghan government, white for al Qaeda and the Tablian and dark grey for D'aesh.
Obama supported militarily intervening in Syria by proximity combatants which led to over 470,000 people being killed and over 11,000,000 (United Nationas High Commissioner for Refugees July 2015) being forced from their homes. His administration has spent over $70,000,000,000 in support of Al Qaeda/ Jabhat al Nusra/ Jabhat Fateh al Sham, ISIS, Jaish Khalid Ibn al-Walid, Ahrar ash Sham, the Islamic Front, Jaysh al-Islam, Muhajirin wa-Ansar Alliance, Jabhat Ansa al-Din, Jaysh al-Nasr, Jaish al-Izzah, Abu Amara Brigades, Thuwar al-Sham Battalion, Alotfecat Brigades, Firqat ak Amiyn al Uwlaa Halab, Martyr Badr Yasturun Brigade, Army of Conquerors, Knights of Glory Brigade, al Moutasem Brigade, Liwa Ahfad Saladin, Liwa Dhi Qar, Army of Mujahedeen, Fastaqim Kama Umirt, Jaysh Usud al-Sharqiya, Jaysh al-Tawheed, Al-Jabha al-Suriyya lil-Tahrir, Ahmad al-Abdo Martyrs Brigades and Battalions, al-Rahman Legion, Al-Habib al-Mustafa Brigade, Liwa Al-Adiya, Jaysh al-Janoob, Alwiyat al-Jonu, Liwa Ahrar Souriya, Al-Fawj al-Awal, Al-Safwa Islamic Battalions, Jaish al-Tahrir and other Wahhabi gangs in this genocidal farce. The aforementioned Wahhabi terrorists target Sunnis, Alawis, Shia, Yazidis, Kurds and Turk-men that they despise but they are also targeting Levantine Christians in a genocide of the people of the Christian faith all across their historic homeland of west Asia. Aramaic speakers are killed by the murderous terrorists. The people who speak Yesu of Nazareth's language are being killed. Syria has been a disaster. Five years of Wahhabist warfare and genocide has not removed Assad, al Ba'ath or the National Progressive Front Coalition and it not has not militarily defeated the Syrian Arab Army which are all facts pointed out by Al Masdar and Global Research. This ought to have been a logical outcome and projection. Lebanon were never going to allow a March 14th government to come to power to their east. This explains why Hezbollah were compelled to act militarily as Al Monitor pointed out. According to Al Monitor Iran were never going to make it easy for Saudi, Qatari, Emirate, Jordanian, Bahraini and Kuwaiti allied groups to take control of Syria. Iran has a legitimate security interest as destabilising Syria destabilises Kurdish provinces including Kurdistan province south of West Azerbaijan province. Iraq and Kurdistan have an interest in stable Dohuk and Ninevah provinces. Iraq has an interest in a stable Anbar province. Iran, Iraq and Syria have a collective interest in a stable Kurdistan. Turkey does not have this interest as it has been at war with Kurdistan since 1978. Turkey wants to win the war against Kurdistan, to regain the influence it had in the Ottoman era and it wants it's Wahhabist allies controlling Syria when Turkey joins the EU. Medinat Yisrael wants to keep al Jawlan hence they have directly assisted Wahhabists in al Jawlan. Syria and Lebanon have a legitimate security interest in keeping Wahhabists and Medinat Yisrael out of al Jawlan. It goes without saying that Neoconservative hubris repeated the same cocky insanity of adding massive military violence to a heterogeneity then expecting different results. They want to expand the oil market as well as the arms market for American companies despite the fact human consequences will damage any serious geopolitical, diplomatic or trade strategy. Americans do not need to be reminded of the blow back in incidents such as San Bernadino and Orlando. The security threat of Wahhabi terror is a legitimate concern of those who support Donald Trump who despite tough rhetoric has a pragmatic articulated strategy and foreign policy. Hillary Clinton's Neoconservatism, like Obama, Bush and her husband, has not helped matters and even drove people to tough rhetoric and pragmatism. This had been seen in the debate when Trump declared, “Syria is fighting ISIS, Iran is fighting ISIS and Russia is fighting ISIS!” While Fox News host Chris Wallace, also a card carrying Democrat, “fact checked” (sic) Trump and alleged he was lying. This was shameful propaganda from a journalist who had previously upheld a high standard. The partisan politicking on foreign policy and aggressive militaristic Neoconservatism has led to the situation we see in Syria. Sunni Arabs are blue, Kurds are yellow, Alawires are green, Shiites are light green, Christians are red and Druze are purple. War map Syria is red, Kurds are yellow, al Qaeda are green and ISIS are black.
Viktor Yanukovych was removed by Nazists in Ukraine which was not only the EU but Obama's administration also. John McCain, Obama's opponent in 2008 who supports the same Neoconservative agenda, was pictured with the Nazists in Maidan, a square in the Ukrainian capital city Kyiv. John McCain was also pictured with ISIS leaders in Syria as part of the proxy war against Syria. Far right nationalists, Fascists, Nazists and violent conservatives all supported the US and EU backed coup in Ukraine. Right Sector, Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People's Self-Defence, Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, the all Ukrainian Union Fatherland, all Ukrainian Union Freedom and the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform (the acronym of which spells the Ukrainian idiom for “punch”) all supported the US and EU coup. All of those parties range from the right to the far right. Fatherland, Right Sector and Azov Battalion affiliates have all openly called for Russian genocide. In addition the Nazist junta began persecuting and murdering Ashkenazim Jews and attacking synagogues in Ukraine. This had led to a war fought mainly in the east of Ukraine in the predominantly Russian Lugansk and Donetsk provinces. Ten thousand have died, twenty thousand have been wounded and over two million Ukrainians have fled their homes. Did it serve American interests? The Netherlands voted against the European Union on the matter of Ukraine, Brexit has happened and there is fresh tensions between Moldova, US/EU ally, and Transnistria, Russian ally bordering Ukraine, so it could be argued that it does not. In the ethnic map Ukrainians are yellow and Russians are blue while in the Donbass war map the Russians are red.
It is not only Asia and Europe that has suffered from foreign policy incompetence in the Pentagon and State Department in America as Africa has suffered. In intervening in Libya America armed Al Qaeda, D'aesh and Ansar al Sharia along with British and French NATO forces to overthrow Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya. Muammar Gaddafi had an approval rating of 85% when he was overthrown. Bear in mind Obama's approval peaked at 68%. There was free energy for all citizens of the Libyan Jamahiriya. All banks were nationalised and usury was illegal. Gaddafi housed everyone in Libya. Newly wedded couples received $50,000 from the Jamahiriya when they married. Healthcare was nationalised and free to access for all. The Libyan Jamahiriya paid for students to study at college and university level at home and abroad. Gaddafi trebled the literacy rate in Libya. Farming and agriculture were nationalised with Libyan people getting land, houses, seeds and livestock to farm from the Jamahiriya. If Libyans bought a car the government paid for half. Petroleum was $0.14 per litre. There was no state debt. Oil revenues were deposited into citizens' bank accounts as in Norway. Every time a child was born in Libya the mother got $5,000 from the state. Forty loaves of bread cost $0.15 and a quarter of all Libyans were post graduates. Global Research highlighted that Gaddafi also irrigated the desert country with a man made river transporting 2,000,000 cubic metres of water across Libya. Libyans had the highest average wage and highest purchasing power in Africa. It was Africa's richest country yet the first African American president of America thought it would be a great idea to destroy it. Wikileaks has revealed that Obama and Secretary Clinton both knew that their strategy of arming al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia, D'aesh and Wahhabists in Libya would result in black genocide in Libya yet they both vigorously pursued that strategy anyway with callousness. The fact is that Obama militarily intervened in Libya without congressional oversight which is an impeachable offence under America's War Powers Act. That war led to the deaths of over fifteen thousand Libyans. The current war in Libya has killed five thousand Libyans which was a direct consequence of overthrowing Gaddafi who had the support of over two thousand Libyan tribes in a heterogeneous nation. In the maps below Arabs and Berbers are gold, Tuareg are orange and Toubou are green on the ethnic map. On the war map National Accord executive is green, Tobruk is red, Tuareg is yellow, local tribes are blue and Wahhabi terrorists are white.
In Yemen Obama has plainly sided with Saudi Arabia, Medinat Yisrael, al Qaeda, Ansar al Sharia and D'aesh in a war against the people of Yemen. In a sectarian war America has sided with Wahhabi terrorists yet again. They learned nothing from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria. Over ten thousand people have died in Yemen while over three million have been forced from their homes. Shamefully America is supported by China, Britain, France, Gulf Council, Jordan ,Morocco, Senegal and Sudan in this barbaric endeavour. Yet again America has intervened in a bubbling ethnic conflict, which it helped to ferment in the post Soviet era, and has caused a serious deterioration to an already violent and unstable situation. Obama and Bush junior did not help by carrying out over a hundred twenty drone strikes killing over seven hundred Yemeni people.

In the maps above from left to right Northern Yemeni are orange, Southern Yemeni are green, Tihamis are red, Soqotris are purple, Mahris are yellow and Yemeni people in Saudi Arabia are pink. In the war map Revolutionary Committee, Ansar Allah, Houthis are green, the Hadi forces are red and Wahhabi terrorists are white. In the religious map Shiites are black and Sunnis are orange.

War in Pakistan has killed over sixty five thousand people. Twenty thousand were Pakistani civilians. Bush and Obama's drone strikes have killed over nine hundred and sixty five civilians. The Pakistani military has killed over thirty three thousand Wahhabi terrorists and Wahhabi terrorists have killed seven thousand Pakistani military personnel. Tehrik I Taliban, al Qaeda, Lashkar e Jhangvi. Lashkar e Islam, Jamaat ul Ahrar, Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi and the Turkistan Islamic party constitute an alliance engaged in internecine violence with the ISIS Khorasan unit, Jundallah and Tehreek e Khilafat form the opposing coalition in addition the aforementioned groups in both coalitions are all Wahhabi groups operating in Pakistan. Despite the fact over three million Pakistanis have been displaced the forty percent drop in violence between 2011 and 2013 was presented as success. The victims of the sixty percent of violence did not view it as success. The violent situation has bolstered support for Sindhi and Baluchistan liberation movements. Again American violence has been an unwelcome addition to a volatile ethnic tinder box costing America nine of its military personnel their lives. This has been in tandem with the disaster in Afghanistan. The one positive is that Navy Seals took out Usama Bin Laden in Pakistan.
American drone strikes and covert military operations have killed over five hundred and seventy eight people in Somalia with over fifty seven of them being civilian casualties. America does not have a sterling military record in Somalia. Prior to Operation Iraqi Liberation, Black Hawk Down was the greatest mobilisation of American troops since the Vietnam War. Like the other aforementioned conflicts Black Hawk Down was a disaster and one of the darkest days in American military history. In the Battle of Mogadishu America lost eighteen soldiers while killing three hundred and fifty Somalian militants. There are those who assert five hundred Somalian militants were killed. Operation Restore Hope led to the deaths of fifty three Americans in the 1992 Somalian War. The unsettled outcome led to the 2006 to 2009 civil war in which sixteen thousand Somalian civilians, nine hundred Somalian military personnel and 2,773 Ethiopian military personnel were killed. Eight thousand Wahhabi terrorists were killed in that war. The unsettled outcome has led to the current civil war which is ongoing. The current war has killed over ten thousand Somalian civilians, over seven hundred in the Somalian military and has led to the deaths of another eight thousand Wahhabi terrorists. It has also displaced over a million and a half Somalians. In the war territory map Somalian government is red, Somaliland government is yellow, Khatumo state is green and Wahhabi terrorist alliance of al Shabaab, al Qaeda and ISIS is black.
To conclude America cannot afford to keep making these mistakes. A state that is in twenty two trillion dollars of debt cannot keep spending over $1.7 trillion on ill thought out wars like they did in Iraq with Operation Iraqi Liberation. American cannot afford to keep spending over seventy billion on proxies like it did with Wahhabi terrorists in Syria. Establishment politicians in America keep proposing the unpopular ideas that Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security all must be cut to balance American federal budgets. This is simply not true as the chart of discretionary spending in America since 1976 shows. The fact is that if the majority of unnecessary discretionary military spending was cut all three aforementioned programs could be funded for decades to come. To summarise American people cannot afford to let their imperial government to continue wasting their money on wars against people who did nothing to deserve such gratuitous violence.

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