In parts of the
Occident we face a massive problem which many people deny existence
of or simply ignore. There is rampant anti Caucasian racism and it is
about time we as society, and those of us with left wing ideologies
in particular, must not only address but fight and defeat. If we
don't we are going to see more movements like the alternative right
section of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's support.
This issue has not arisen overnight but has gained momentum in recent
years. Racists like Sukant Chandan would not have had the confidence
to advocate Caucasian genocide in Europe in the past. Think about it,
with the exception of a few individuals and organisations who else
raises public awareness of the Boer Afrikaner genocide in South
Africa or the Southern Rhodesian genocide in Zimbabwe? It is certain
many reading this will not have encountered the aforementioned
subjects prior to this article. It is shocking that those crimes are
excused and justified by apologists as collective punishment for the
crimes committed under the South African National Party and the
Rhodesian Front even though many of the younger victims were not even
conceived when those governments were in power. It should be well
noted that a certain Bavarian autocrat from Austria justified
genocide as collective punishment hence why collective punishment is
a crime against humanity under international law.
It is irrational to ignore or deny racism against a certain ethnicity. It would be ridiculous to suggest there is no anti black racism, that 7,000 black people are not violently killed on America's streets every year or that between 365,000 and 684,000 black babies are not killed in America every year when facts show otherwise. So why would people deny obvious anti Caucasian racism unless they are racist against Caucasians?
Noel Ignatiev a “professor” at Harvard would have been fired if he had said what he said about Caucasians about any other ethnicity. He has spewed “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race. By any means necessary.” That is far from the only genocidal incitement he has made. Other instances of his bile include “Treason to Whiteness is loyalty to humanity”, “The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists.” and “So long as the White race exists, all movements against racism are doomed to fail.” His assertion about loyalty to humanity is particularly interesting bovine excrement. Does Ignatiev think the world would have been better off without heart transplants, renewable energy, Geiger counters, human genome sequencing, deoxyribose nucleic acid tests, auto-mobiles, fire arms, cutlery, swords, irrigation, anthropology, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, light bulbs, wheels, wheelchairs and numerous other modern inventions? If he does then he should not hold the academic rank of professor. In any case his racist bigotry should disqualify him from the position. However this tolerance of this particular strand of bigotry has emboldened him to articulate more violent incitements “We’ll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.”
Ignatiev is not alone in his extremely racist and bigoted backwoods views. Leroy Jefferson stated “We have to exterminate white people off the face of this planet.” in the wake of Hurricane Katrina as collective punishment for the Bush administration's pathetic handling of the disaster. Ignatiev's twisted world view was espoused by Black Lives Matter activists in a debate at Harvard when they articulated “Our argument is that white life is wrong.”, “Our argument is that we shouldn't have to affirm white life. Your argument affirming all life in general is not good. Its especially not good for black people”, “There is no ethical reason why white people deserve to live”, “For black life white death has to occur”, “Your life isn't worth affirming”against a Caucasian participant in the debate and adding his suicide would be “a step in the right direction”.
Imagine that being shouted about any other ethnicity or imagine it was said about a particular religious sect. Imagine how you would feel if these vitriolic diatribes were in relation to your ethnic group. Socialists, social democrats, liberals and a number of people on the left in the Occident (The West) are reluctant to address it. This is a gargantuan mistake. The Democratic Party and other left wing organisations have done between little to nothing to combat this form of racism. The Democratic Party leadership, in its infinite wisdom, have actually courted the black supremacists who espouse this hatred. Both Clinton and Sanders courted Black Lives Matter whereas only O Malley said all lives matter. Democrats have the audacity to muse why Caucasian males don't vote for them in the numbers that they use to.
All this hateful rhetoric has an effect. FBI crime statistics published in 2007 showed a white person was forty times more likely to be assaulted by a black person than a black person being assaulted by a white person in America. According to FBI statistics from 2013 the white on black murder rate was 0.77 per 1,000,000 compared to black on white murder rate of 9.83 per 1,000,000. The latest interracial crime statistics in America are worrying. White on black murder increased by 25%. Black on white murder increased by 12% and all interracial murders increased by 13%. The 500 black on white murders in 2015 were the highest since 504 black on white murders in 2008. What data from 2001 onwards shows is that the amount of black on white murders have consistently been double the amount of white on black murders in America. The US News graphs below display this data clearly. What should be noted from the first two graphs is that black on white murder is constantly higher than white on black murder. The third graph shows that there is not a massive disparity between the amount of Caucasians and the amount of African Americans who die violent deaths on America's streets. The fourth graph provides context and perspective with the problem of intra racial murders. Massive violence against Caucasians is the common denominator in all four graphs. This is the outcome of propagandising that violence towards Caucasians is acceptable. Those who argue that the forth is perpetrated by Caucasians are correct but it should be pointed out that there is no US Federal My Brothers' Keeper initiative to prevent intra racial violence among Caucasians as there is for African Americans despite the former being higher in number.

It is irrational to ignore or deny racism against a certain ethnicity. It would be ridiculous to suggest there is no anti black racism, that 7,000 black people are not violently killed on America's streets every year or that between 365,000 and 684,000 black babies are not killed in America every year when facts show otherwise. So why would people deny obvious anti Caucasian racism unless they are racist against Caucasians?
Noel Ignatiev a “professor” at Harvard would have been fired if he had said what he said about Caucasians about any other ethnicity. He has spewed “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race. By any means necessary.” That is far from the only genocidal incitement he has made. Other instances of his bile include “Treason to Whiteness is loyalty to humanity”, “The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists.” and “So long as the White race exists, all movements against racism are doomed to fail.” His assertion about loyalty to humanity is particularly interesting bovine excrement. Does Ignatiev think the world would have been better off without heart transplants, renewable energy, Geiger counters, human genome sequencing, deoxyribose nucleic acid tests, auto-mobiles, fire arms, cutlery, swords, irrigation, anthropology, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, light bulbs, wheels, wheelchairs and numerous other modern inventions? If he does then he should not hold the academic rank of professor. In any case his racist bigotry should disqualify him from the position. However this tolerance of this particular strand of bigotry has emboldened him to articulate more violent incitements “We’ll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.”
Ignatiev is not alone in his extremely racist and bigoted backwoods views. Leroy Jefferson stated “We have to exterminate white people off the face of this planet.” in the wake of Hurricane Katrina as collective punishment for the Bush administration's pathetic handling of the disaster. Ignatiev's twisted world view was espoused by Black Lives Matter activists in a debate at Harvard when they articulated “Our argument is that white life is wrong.”, “Our argument is that we shouldn't have to affirm white life. Your argument affirming all life in general is not good. Its especially not good for black people”, “There is no ethical reason why white people deserve to live”, “For black life white death has to occur”, “Your life isn't worth affirming”against a Caucasian participant in the debate and adding his suicide would be “a step in the right direction”.
Imagine that being shouted about any other ethnicity or imagine it was said about a particular religious sect. Imagine how you would feel if these vitriolic diatribes were in relation to your ethnic group. Socialists, social democrats, liberals and a number of people on the left in the Occident (The West) are reluctant to address it. This is a gargantuan mistake. The Democratic Party and other left wing organisations have done between little to nothing to combat this form of racism. The Democratic Party leadership, in its infinite wisdom, have actually courted the black supremacists who espouse this hatred. Both Clinton and Sanders courted Black Lives Matter whereas only O Malley said all lives matter. Democrats have the audacity to muse why Caucasian males don't vote for them in the numbers that they use to.
All this hateful rhetoric has an effect. FBI crime statistics published in 2007 showed a white person was forty times more likely to be assaulted by a black person than a black person being assaulted by a white person in America. According to FBI statistics from 2013 the white on black murder rate was 0.77 per 1,000,000 compared to black on white murder rate of 9.83 per 1,000,000. The latest interracial crime statistics in America are worrying. White on black murder increased by 25%. Black on white murder increased by 12% and all interracial murders increased by 13%. The 500 black on white murders in 2015 were the highest since 504 black on white murders in 2008. What data from 2001 onwards shows is that the amount of black on white murders have consistently been double the amount of white on black murders in America. The US News graphs below display this data clearly. What should be noted from the first two graphs is that black on white murder is constantly higher than white on black murder. The third graph shows that there is not a massive disparity between the amount of Caucasians and the amount of African Americans who die violent deaths on America's streets. The fourth graph provides context and perspective with the problem of intra racial murders. Massive violence against Caucasians is the common denominator in all four graphs. This is the outcome of propagandising that violence towards Caucasians is acceptable. Those who argue that the forth is perpetrated by Caucasians are correct but it should be pointed out that there is no US Federal My Brothers' Keeper initiative to prevent intra racial violence among Caucasians as there is for African Americans despite the former being higher in number.

are also the ongoing Boer Afrikaner and Southern Rhodesian genocides.
They are not discussed never mind given the prominence they ought to
be given. Between ten and twenty Afrikaners are murdered every day in
South Africa. Over seventy thousand Afrikaners have been murdered
since the African National Congress succeeded the National Party.
Between ten and fourteen Boer farmers are murdered every week. Over
four thousand Boer farmers have been murdered under the ANC. The
murders are clearly racially motivated. They are often tortured,
beaten and raped as well as butchered. This is shown clearly in Rian
Van der Walt's War of the Flea documentary.
People have been dragged by trucks over bumpy and rocky roads, people
have had their fingers beaten off their hands with lead pipes, people
have had their heads bashed in with blunt instruments, babies have
been beaten with machetes, people have been raped and decapitated yet
there are those who would deny targeting an ethnicity for such
treatment is neither racist nor genocidal. Another racist double
standard is that not a word is said in condemnation of the seven
thousand exclusively Bantu towns in South Africa with no Caucasians,
no Asians and no Khoisan, who were the original inhabitants, but
Caucasian majorities in Balmoral, Orania and Owendale are condemned
as is the significant Caucasian minority in Morgenzon and Caucasian
majority areas on the Cape, in the Transvaal and the Orange Free
State. In Zimbabwe there were 296.000 Southern Rhodesians when Ian
Douglas Smith was premier. In 1999 there were 120,000 in Zimbabwe but
now there are only 100,000 worldwide with only 28,000 left in
Zimbabwe. Over twenty Southern Rhodesian farmers were murdered in
violent takeovers in a land reform program by the Zimbabwe African
National Union Patriotic Front. The beneficiaries happened to be
associates of the president. Rape gangs have targeted Caucasians in
Zimbabwe on the basis of their race.
To understand why the genocide of European Caucasians from Africa is an outrage which should concern us all then imagine a scenario where all non Caucasian minorities in Europe and Caucasian majority nations in the Occident were suffering genocide and ethnic cleansing. There would be a massive international outcry and correctly so. Why is there not an international fury at what is happening to the Boer and the Southern Rhodesian? The absence of condemnation and action against these crimes gives out the immoral signal that racial discrimination against Caucasians is socially acceptable when it is completely unacceptable.
When certain organisations and individuals state the aim of “ending white privilege”, “ending white supremacy” and “ending white domination” they are not speaking about Caucasians not having privileges on the basis of their race, they're not talking about Caucasians not being considered supreme on the basis of their race and not about Caucasians dominating other ethnicities. It is a racist dog whistle and code for ending Caucasian existence. People who say they want to end racism don't mean they want to end racial discrimination but that they want to end the existence of Caucasians. Yet the same bigoted anti Caucasian racists want acceptance and tolerance from Caucasian people as Non Aligned Media explained.
A writer under the name Emily Goldstein had the brazen audacity to write a racist article saying Caucasian genocide is a “good thing”. Imagine if a person saying the genocide of Ashkenazim was a “good thing”? It is certain that individual would be condemned, ostracised, compared with an Austrian autocrat and probably charged with hate speech. Yet the interesting double standard persists. Many on the alternative right question whether or not there has been an Ashkenazim genocide. That is the retaliatory racism provoked by the anti Caucasian racism by Ashkenazim racists like Goldstein and Ignatiev. It is disgusting hypocrisy that supporters of the Zionist state of Medinat Yisrael get angry about Palestinians regaining the status of ethnic majority in their homeland and insist Palestine must always have an Ashkenazim majority yet encourage non Caucasian migration to ethnically cleanse Caucasian majority countries. Another glaring example of hypocrisy is the Ashkenazim activists who were vocal in their opposition to ethnic nationalist states with segregation and separate development for the Boer Afrikaner in South Africa and for the African Brythonic in Southern Rhodesia often do not voice the same opposition to an ethnic nationalist state with segregation and separate development for Ashkenazim in Palestine. In fact America informed the world of Israel's expectation that it will occupy Palestine permanently with a segregationist separate development state. The racist hypocrisy is emphatic. On the subject of states with segregation and separate development there is not much opposition among prominent Ashkenazim to the occupation of Ireland. Why is Stormont's segregationist separate development not condemned as the previous examples are? One thing is for certain the victims of said system are mostly European Caucasians as working class Irish and Brythonic people inhabit east and mid Ulster.
Yet Caucasian people are meant to take all of this passively. The same aforementioned racists and bigots have the brass neck to recoil at the fact a large number of Caucasians in America are supporting Donald Trump. They spewed hateful rhetoric and racist bile at Caucasians yet have the temerity to be shocked when angry Caucasians rally behind an authoritarian. What did they expect? This after The Atlantic asked “Will anyone mourn the end of white America? Will anyone try to preserve it?” Well in the large numbers of working class Caucasians among Trump's support, it should be stated it is not a homogeneous group, The Atlantic got their answer albeit not the one that they wanted. The Washington Post has pointed out increasing racism against Caucasians has boosted Trump's support. Sixty four percent of Republicans believe there is anti Caucasian racist discrimination and it should be emphasised they're a hundred percent correct in their belief.
The Socialist left needs to wake up to this. Unemployed Caucasians do not want to hear nor do they need to hear that they are privileged and supreme. Not having a job is not a supreme privilege and it is high time the Socialist left acknowledged it. Telling unemployed working class people that they are supreme and privileged will never unite the workers of the world. This racist practice will inevitably delay the day that Socialism is put into practice. Disaffected working class Caucasians will not turn to the ideology assailing “white privilege” and “white supremacy” as this is not only absurd but offensive to said people given their circumstances.
Other things the Socialist left needs to acknowledge are that people wanting their predominantly Caucasian country to remain predominantly Caucasian is not racist and that people wanting their predominantly Christian nation to remain predominantly Christian is not sectarian. Yet Christian Caucasians are supposed to accept this demographic alteration agenda passively without opposition. If the left really wanted to prevent racial and ethnic conflict they would be doing everything in their power to ensure that the Occident remains Caucasian and Christian. They are not doing everything in their power in fact many on the left are either doing nothing or making the problem even worse. Do they really think demographic change for ethnic cleansing and genocidal purposes will lead to the implementation of the Communist Manifesto? If anything it will lead to dystopic realisation of The Turner Diaries.
It is often overlooked that demographic change is only advocated, promoted and pushed in Europe and the Occident. The racism is clear as the common denominator is that all have European Caucasian ethnic majorities. Stefanie Von Berg of the Green Party openly brags about Germanic people being bred into an ethnic minority in Germany. Does she honestly think being smug and gloating about genocide will help the environmental cause among the people of Germany? Ironically the right wing Brandenburghers who are now complaining that Germany does not control its borders did nothing to oppose Western regime change by NATO and the EU against a left wing Socialist Communist Germany which did control its borders. The result has been disastrous for the people of the German nation.
Newsweek said making American Caucasians into a minority will save America. Joe Biden has angered many by saying American Caucasians becoming a minority is a “source of our strength”. Another thing the Socialist left needs to do is realise that Black Lives Matter is a racist and violent supremacist organisation. Video evidence has shown Black Lives Matter protesters chasing and assaulting Caucasians on the basis of the latter's complexions.
Another thing the Socialist left needs to acknowledge is that affirmative action and other similar positive discrimination programs are racist colour bars against Caucasians. Boer Afrikaners have been locked out of the South African job market due to their skin colour. There are 119 Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment statutes. These racist laws have not led to economically advanced Bantu working class people. Three million working class Bantu people are employed under the African National Congress government which is half of the six million Bantu working class people that were employed under the National Party. It has led to 1,000,000 working class Boer Afrikaners living in absolute poverty along with over 8,000,000 other working class South Africans.
It has not worked in America either. People who are not European Caucasians are given preference in terms of employment over people European Caucasians in statute. Thomas Sowell, Deryck Green and many others have pointed out that this does not help working class African Americans. It does help middle class people who are not European Caucasians. In practice that means a middle class candidate who is not a European Caucasian has a law for their preferential treatment relative to a working class European Caucasian candidate. This results in not only the racist preference of non white people over white people but the classist preference of wealthy over poor. If affirmative action was about helping the poor working class people of all races would be given preferential treatment over middle class and upper class people of all races. This could be done by comparing family household incomes of all candidates and giving the post to the lowest household income. Affirmative action also means lower test scores get non European Caucasians into universities which has led to significant under representation of European Caucasians at Ivy League level. Also racial discrimination can propel individuals to the US Supreme Court as the Sonia Sotomayor case showed. This is the antithesis of meritocracy. This disproves that Caucasians get privilege on the basis of their race and those who assail institutionalised racism don't fight affirmative action even though it is the definition of institutionalised racism. It is racism practised by government institutions, it is systemic racism as the system practices racism against Caucasians and it is structural racism as government and state structures enforce this racist policy.
This deluge of anti Caucasian rhetoric, discrimination and violence will have societal repercussions. It has already emboldened the Alternative Right to a point that was unimaginable a mere two years ago. Alternative fur Deutschland are leading polls in Germany as Front National are in France. Add to this volatile mixture the explosive element of Wahhabi terrorism. On the evidence of what we have all witnessed since the Western and Gulf sponsored proxy intervention in Syria coupled with anti Caucasian racism amounts to a gift for Conservative and far right ethnic nationalist movements across Europe and the Occident. A lot of those attracted by the Alternative Right are friendly conservative minded Caucasian people who are proud of their European heritage however it must also be stated that there are darker and more authoritarian elements who are aggressively inegalitarian as a matter of principle. It has not gone unnoticed that branches of the Ku Klux Klan, Virginia being one example, have advocated campaigning to get Trump elected. Sixteen percent of Trump supporters in South Carolina were willing to tell pollsters that they are white supremacists which is further evidence of retaliatory racism in response to anti Caucasian racism. The hard core of the far right actively celebrate the German Workers Party and the centralised empire it built militarily despite the fact history shows it presided over the destruction of Germany, Prussia and the Sudetenland. This in turn led to the Swabian genocide so the Third Reich was not good for Germanic people.
The above is why Socialists need to address and combat the anti Caucasian phenomenon as there will be many Caucasians who will have little option but to rally behind such elements to preserve their posterity, culture, heritage and identity. Unless Socialists can provide a left wing alternative to advance the interests of working class Caucasians they are effectively abandoning them to the right when many working class Caucasians are left wing in their nature. Does any left wing Socialist think abandoning the Caucasian working class to the right will result in value being utilised for national infrastructure?
To further understand why demographic change in the Occident and only the Occident is so immoral historical precedents must be considered, What effect did en masse illegal Ashkenazim immigration to Palestine have? Palestinians were ethnically cleansed into a minority in their own country and seven decades later they are projected to become the majority in their own country again in a few decades. How did things go for indigenous Australians when White Australia had a policy of breeding out the black? They are less than three percent of the population of their own country. Where the aforementioned examples not racist? Wouldn't it be equally racist if those scenarios were played out in the Occident?
It would be wrong to see this implemented on the Orient or on Africa. It is equally racist and immoral to impose this on Europe and the Occident. You did not hear or read about representatives and public figures imploring the Gulf Cooperation Council nations and Medinat Yisrael to accept Syrian refugees despite the moral obligation to do so when said states funded and armed the terrorists in Syria that caused the refugees to flee. Don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen as it clearly won't happen as it would upset the Wahhabist donors, Zionist donors and the corporate media.
Another thing the Socialist left has to be honest about and acknowledge the part the malevolent pro choice and anti life movement plays in the demographic change agenda. It is no accident that this movement has spread throughout the Occident with many majority Caucasian nations legalising the barbaric and immoral practice of aborting babies. On demand alone. It does not require an advanced level of intelligence to predict that will hinder efforts to boost a declining Caucasian birth rate in Europe and across the Occident. This can be seen on map of western Europe below.

To understand why the genocide of European Caucasians from Africa is an outrage which should concern us all then imagine a scenario where all non Caucasian minorities in Europe and Caucasian majority nations in the Occident were suffering genocide and ethnic cleansing. There would be a massive international outcry and correctly so. Why is there not an international fury at what is happening to the Boer and the Southern Rhodesian? The absence of condemnation and action against these crimes gives out the immoral signal that racial discrimination against Caucasians is socially acceptable when it is completely unacceptable.
When certain organisations and individuals state the aim of “ending white privilege”, “ending white supremacy” and “ending white domination” they are not speaking about Caucasians not having privileges on the basis of their race, they're not talking about Caucasians not being considered supreme on the basis of their race and not about Caucasians dominating other ethnicities. It is a racist dog whistle and code for ending Caucasian existence. People who say they want to end racism don't mean they want to end racial discrimination but that they want to end the existence of Caucasians. Yet the same bigoted anti Caucasian racists want acceptance and tolerance from Caucasian people as Non Aligned Media explained.
A writer under the name Emily Goldstein had the brazen audacity to write a racist article saying Caucasian genocide is a “good thing”. Imagine if a person saying the genocide of Ashkenazim was a “good thing”? It is certain that individual would be condemned, ostracised, compared with an Austrian autocrat and probably charged with hate speech. Yet the interesting double standard persists. Many on the alternative right question whether or not there has been an Ashkenazim genocide. That is the retaliatory racism provoked by the anti Caucasian racism by Ashkenazim racists like Goldstein and Ignatiev. It is disgusting hypocrisy that supporters of the Zionist state of Medinat Yisrael get angry about Palestinians regaining the status of ethnic majority in their homeland and insist Palestine must always have an Ashkenazim majority yet encourage non Caucasian migration to ethnically cleanse Caucasian majority countries. Another glaring example of hypocrisy is the Ashkenazim activists who were vocal in their opposition to ethnic nationalist states with segregation and separate development for the Boer Afrikaner in South Africa and for the African Brythonic in Southern Rhodesia often do not voice the same opposition to an ethnic nationalist state with segregation and separate development for Ashkenazim in Palestine. In fact America informed the world of Israel's expectation that it will occupy Palestine permanently with a segregationist separate development state. The racist hypocrisy is emphatic. On the subject of states with segregation and separate development there is not much opposition among prominent Ashkenazim to the occupation of Ireland. Why is Stormont's segregationist separate development not condemned as the previous examples are? One thing is for certain the victims of said system are mostly European Caucasians as working class Irish and Brythonic people inhabit east and mid Ulster.
Yet Caucasian people are meant to take all of this passively. The same aforementioned racists and bigots have the brass neck to recoil at the fact a large number of Caucasians in America are supporting Donald Trump. They spewed hateful rhetoric and racist bile at Caucasians yet have the temerity to be shocked when angry Caucasians rally behind an authoritarian. What did they expect? This after The Atlantic asked “Will anyone mourn the end of white America? Will anyone try to preserve it?” Well in the large numbers of working class Caucasians among Trump's support, it should be stated it is not a homogeneous group, The Atlantic got their answer albeit not the one that they wanted. The Washington Post has pointed out increasing racism against Caucasians has boosted Trump's support. Sixty four percent of Republicans believe there is anti Caucasian racist discrimination and it should be emphasised they're a hundred percent correct in their belief.
The Socialist left needs to wake up to this. Unemployed Caucasians do not want to hear nor do they need to hear that they are privileged and supreme. Not having a job is not a supreme privilege and it is high time the Socialist left acknowledged it. Telling unemployed working class people that they are supreme and privileged will never unite the workers of the world. This racist practice will inevitably delay the day that Socialism is put into practice. Disaffected working class Caucasians will not turn to the ideology assailing “white privilege” and “white supremacy” as this is not only absurd but offensive to said people given their circumstances.
Other things the Socialist left needs to acknowledge are that people wanting their predominantly Caucasian country to remain predominantly Caucasian is not racist and that people wanting their predominantly Christian nation to remain predominantly Christian is not sectarian. Yet Christian Caucasians are supposed to accept this demographic alteration agenda passively without opposition. If the left really wanted to prevent racial and ethnic conflict they would be doing everything in their power to ensure that the Occident remains Caucasian and Christian. They are not doing everything in their power in fact many on the left are either doing nothing or making the problem even worse. Do they really think demographic change for ethnic cleansing and genocidal purposes will lead to the implementation of the Communist Manifesto? If anything it will lead to dystopic realisation of The Turner Diaries.
It is often overlooked that demographic change is only advocated, promoted and pushed in Europe and the Occident. The racism is clear as the common denominator is that all have European Caucasian ethnic majorities. Stefanie Von Berg of the Green Party openly brags about Germanic people being bred into an ethnic minority in Germany. Does she honestly think being smug and gloating about genocide will help the environmental cause among the people of Germany? Ironically the right wing Brandenburghers who are now complaining that Germany does not control its borders did nothing to oppose Western regime change by NATO and the EU against a left wing Socialist Communist Germany which did control its borders. The result has been disastrous for the people of the German nation.
Newsweek said making American Caucasians into a minority will save America. Joe Biden has angered many by saying American Caucasians becoming a minority is a “source of our strength”. Another thing the Socialist left needs to do is realise that Black Lives Matter is a racist and violent supremacist organisation. Video evidence has shown Black Lives Matter protesters chasing and assaulting Caucasians on the basis of the latter's complexions.
Another thing the Socialist left needs to acknowledge is that affirmative action and other similar positive discrimination programs are racist colour bars against Caucasians. Boer Afrikaners have been locked out of the South African job market due to their skin colour. There are 119 Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment statutes. These racist laws have not led to economically advanced Bantu working class people. Three million working class Bantu people are employed under the African National Congress government which is half of the six million Bantu working class people that were employed under the National Party. It has led to 1,000,000 working class Boer Afrikaners living in absolute poverty along with over 8,000,000 other working class South Africans.
It has not worked in America either. People who are not European Caucasians are given preference in terms of employment over people European Caucasians in statute. Thomas Sowell, Deryck Green and many others have pointed out that this does not help working class African Americans. It does help middle class people who are not European Caucasians. In practice that means a middle class candidate who is not a European Caucasian has a law for their preferential treatment relative to a working class European Caucasian candidate. This results in not only the racist preference of non white people over white people but the classist preference of wealthy over poor. If affirmative action was about helping the poor working class people of all races would be given preferential treatment over middle class and upper class people of all races. This could be done by comparing family household incomes of all candidates and giving the post to the lowest household income. Affirmative action also means lower test scores get non European Caucasians into universities which has led to significant under representation of European Caucasians at Ivy League level. Also racial discrimination can propel individuals to the US Supreme Court as the Sonia Sotomayor case showed. This is the antithesis of meritocracy. This disproves that Caucasians get privilege on the basis of their race and those who assail institutionalised racism don't fight affirmative action even though it is the definition of institutionalised racism. It is racism practised by government institutions, it is systemic racism as the system practices racism against Caucasians and it is structural racism as government and state structures enforce this racist policy.
This deluge of anti Caucasian rhetoric, discrimination and violence will have societal repercussions. It has already emboldened the Alternative Right to a point that was unimaginable a mere two years ago. Alternative fur Deutschland are leading polls in Germany as Front National are in France. Add to this volatile mixture the explosive element of Wahhabi terrorism. On the evidence of what we have all witnessed since the Western and Gulf sponsored proxy intervention in Syria coupled with anti Caucasian racism amounts to a gift for Conservative and far right ethnic nationalist movements across Europe and the Occident. A lot of those attracted by the Alternative Right are friendly conservative minded Caucasian people who are proud of their European heritage however it must also be stated that there are darker and more authoritarian elements who are aggressively inegalitarian as a matter of principle. It has not gone unnoticed that branches of the Ku Klux Klan, Virginia being one example, have advocated campaigning to get Trump elected. Sixteen percent of Trump supporters in South Carolina were willing to tell pollsters that they are white supremacists which is further evidence of retaliatory racism in response to anti Caucasian racism. The hard core of the far right actively celebrate the German Workers Party and the centralised empire it built militarily despite the fact history shows it presided over the destruction of Germany, Prussia and the Sudetenland. This in turn led to the Swabian genocide so the Third Reich was not good for Germanic people.
The above is why Socialists need to address and combat the anti Caucasian phenomenon as there will be many Caucasians who will have little option but to rally behind such elements to preserve their posterity, culture, heritage and identity. Unless Socialists can provide a left wing alternative to advance the interests of working class Caucasians they are effectively abandoning them to the right when many working class Caucasians are left wing in their nature. Does any left wing Socialist think abandoning the Caucasian working class to the right will result in value being utilised for national infrastructure?
To further understand why demographic change in the Occident and only the Occident is so immoral historical precedents must be considered, What effect did en masse illegal Ashkenazim immigration to Palestine have? Palestinians were ethnically cleansed into a minority in their own country and seven decades later they are projected to become the majority in their own country again in a few decades. How did things go for indigenous Australians when White Australia had a policy of breeding out the black? They are less than three percent of the population of their own country. Where the aforementioned examples not racist? Wouldn't it be equally racist if those scenarios were played out in the Occident?
It would be wrong to see this implemented on the Orient or on Africa. It is equally racist and immoral to impose this on Europe and the Occident. You did not hear or read about representatives and public figures imploring the Gulf Cooperation Council nations and Medinat Yisrael to accept Syrian refugees despite the moral obligation to do so when said states funded and armed the terrorists in Syria that caused the refugees to flee. Don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen as it clearly won't happen as it would upset the Wahhabist donors, Zionist donors and the corporate media.
Another thing the Socialist left has to be honest about and acknowledge the part the malevolent pro choice and anti life movement plays in the demographic change agenda. It is no accident that this movement has spread throughout the Occident with many majority Caucasian nations legalising the barbaric and immoral practice of aborting babies. On demand alone. It does not require an advanced level of intelligence to predict that will hinder efforts to boost a declining Caucasian birth rate in Europe and across the Occident. This can be seen on map of western Europe below.

this a genuine left wing political position to take? Lets look at the
hard left and the far left. A party that fits the description of hard
left and far left is the Russian Communist Party. They have Communist
and Socialist credentials for presiding over a Socialist state for
seven decades. What position do the Bolsheviks take on the
controversial issue of abortion? The Russian Communist Party is
staunchly pro life, in their own words, “to prevent the extinction
of the Russian people”. The most left wing Communist and Socialist
political party is pro life and opposes genocide of Caucasians. That
speaks volumes when compared to anti Caucasian racists who claim to
be left wing Socialists in the Occident. That comparison in itself is
a damning indictment of the Socialist left in the Occident. As
Ernesto Che Guevara Lynch said “It is easier to kill a guerilla in
the womb than in the hills”. Hence it is easier to kill defenceless
Caucasian children than it is to kill Caucasian adults who are
intelligent and strong enough to fight back and defend
There are things the Socialist left could do to boost Caucasian birth rates and increase Caucasian demographic percentages. They could fight for and ensure fully paid maternity leave and paternity leave and social welfare for families with children. This will encourage nuclear family units and is a left wing policy promoting procreation. The Socialist left could acknowledge that the nuclear family unit is often a person's first commune and that the first Socialists a person encounters are their parents. The Guardian has pointed out that Europe's declining demographics will result in an economic disaster, not that morally just cause of Caucasian survival should ever be a question of economics.
In America university students are taught courses titled US Race Theory and the Problem of Whiteness. This disgusting racism should be called out for the Fascist vitriol that it is. While it has been well documented that Trump supporters have committed hate crimes against Hispanics, African Americans and Muslims in America what has not been given the same prominence is the racist hate crimes committed against Trump supporters. Many of the violent Trump supporters were Caucasian and many of those who were violent towards Trump supporters were not and further evidence is that a Bernie Sanders supporter was a victim of anti Trump violence. He was a Caucasian.
Diversity is often another racist dog whistle meaning less Caucasians and meaning more people of non Caucasian ethnicities. The incorrect and inaccurate logic is that less Caucasians means more diversity and more Caucasians means less diversity. This bovine excrement and balderdash must be exposed as the execrable racism that it so blatantly is and this is yet another thing the Socialist left needs to realise. Broadly speaking as a race Caucasians are the most diverse race. The people can have brown hair, ginger hair and blond hair and they can have brown eyes, hazel eyes, green eyes and blue eyes. With Australasians, east Asians and Africans it is black hair and brown eyes. Not much diversity. Yet diversity the racist dog whistle codeword used for genocidal racism against the most diverse people. The fact that most European ethnic groups can be classed as Nordic, Alpine, Adriatic, Baltic and Mediterranean demonstrates diversity among Aryan people in Europe. The ethnic map of Europe should finally and fatally discredit the idea that more European Caucasian Aryans means less diversity. Every name represents a distinct group of people. Below that is the genetic map of Europe which is further evidence of the diversity of European Caucasians.

There are things the Socialist left could do to boost Caucasian birth rates and increase Caucasian demographic percentages. They could fight for and ensure fully paid maternity leave and paternity leave and social welfare for families with children. This will encourage nuclear family units and is a left wing policy promoting procreation. The Socialist left could acknowledge that the nuclear family unit is often a person's first commune and that the first Socialists a person encounters are their parents. The Guardian has pointed out that Europe's declining demographics will result in an economic disaster, not that morally just cause of Caucasian survival should ever be a question of economics.
In America university students are taught courses titled US Race Theory and the Problem of Whiteness. This disgusting racism should be called out for the Fascist vitriol that it is. While it has been well documented that Trump supporters have committed hate crimes against Hispanics, African Americans and Muslims in America what has not been given the same prominence is the racist hate crimes committed against Trump supporters. Many of the violent Trump supporters were Caucasian and many of those who were violent towards Trump supporters were not and further evidence is that a Bernie Sanders supporter was a victim of anti Trump violence. He was a Caucasian.
Diversity is often another racist dog whistle meaning less Caucasians and meaning more people of non Caucasian ethnicities. The incorrect and inaccurate logic is that less Caucasians means more diversity and more Caucasians means less diversity. This bovine excrement and balderdash must be exposed as the execrable racism that it so blatantly is and this is yet another thing the Socialist left needs to realise. Broadly speaking as a race Caucasians are the most diverse race. The people can have brown hair, ginger hair and blond hair and they can have brown eyes, hazel eyes, green eyes and blue eyes. With Australasians, east Asians and Africans it is black hair and brown eyes. Not much diversity. Yet diversity the racist dog whistle codeword used for genocidal racism against the most diverse people. The fact that most European ethnic groups can be classed as Nordic, Alpine, Adriatic, Baltic and Mediterranean demonstrates diversity among Aryan people in Europe. The ethnic map of Europe should finally and fatally discredit the idea that more European Caucasian Aryans means less diversity. Every name represents a distinct group of people. Below that is the genetic map of Europe which is further evidence of the diversity of European Caucasians.

there is the controversial issue of Caucasian free zones and spaces
without Caucasians be it Bahar Mustafa's racist conference in London,
Black Lives Matter at the University of Missouri black healing space,
or the no Caucasian residential areas in African American areas in
America or disproportionately Wahhabist areas of Europe. In these
areas Caucasians are often assaulted and violently forced to leave.
The Socialist left, and everyone else for that matter, has to
acknowledge not only the existence of such areas but the immorality
and racism of them as well. Bahar Mustafa is a racist backwoods
bigot. She has no appreciation that Englaland is the homeland of the
Anglian people of Angeln, she has no appreciation that Prydain the
historical homeland of the Brythonic and she does not appreciate that
London is so called as it is the Fort of Lud. She also tweeted the
genocidal incitement #KillAllWhiteMen. Her occupation? Diversity
officer. Yet she wants the most diverse people gone.
The rationale for the racist collective punishment of European Caucasians is that European nations had colonial military and political empires by violently annexing This is racist as Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Finland are all nations which did not have colonial empires with territories outside Europe. This racist rationale also conveniently ignores that East Asian nations such China, Japan and Mongolia had vast military empires. In Africa the Bantu empire violently annexed territories through the means of genocide of the indigenous populations. There were the empires of the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas and Olmecs who all used violence in order to secure increasing territory on the American continents. Yet the racist collective punishment of Caucasians through demographic change is advocated whereas it is not promoted against East Asians, Africans or Americans. The Socialist left must recognise the immorality of this and do everything in its power to oppose and prevent this racist collective punishment. If it does not then any hope of Socialism being implemented in the Occident or elsewhere is extremely unlikely.
Does anyone on the Socialist left really believe that the aforementioned racism will result in a genuine Socialist government coming to power? Under the Parti Socialiste, and it is clear there is nothing Socialist about Brussels puppet Hollande government which implemented austerity with viciousness, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo thought it would be acceptable having a mural with the words “La France aux Francais”, France for the French, crossed out and the words “Les Françaises aux Africains”, the French (feminine) for the Africans, displayed without being obscured. A French lady on the Alternative Right wrote “Francais” over the word “Africains”. This shows that Hidalgo's racism defied logic and will significantly increase Front National's chances of governing France. Actions such as the one described will not only ensure Parti Socialiste will not return to power, which would not a be a bad thing at all, but it will also smear the ideology of genuine Socialists. This means the name of Socialism will be tarnished in France, and many other nations in the West, as many working class Caucasians will not support representatives who are openly racist towards them. To summarise if everyone, the Socialist left in particular, does not stop and reverse demographic change against Caucasians then the Alternative Right and the far right will rise and control Europe and the Occident for several decades. The means of productions won't be controlled, owned and utilised by the working class. Value will not be distributed equitably and it will not be invested in local and national infrastructures. Appropriation of value for endeavour will not provide living incomes and increasing living standards unless the Socialist left can stand up to the corporate plutocratic forces behind demographic change and successfully defuse the racist time bomb. If that doesn't happen then race riots, race wars and a significant increase in intense racist violence will not only hurt and kill Caucasians but people of other ethnicities as well. This is a situation we'd all like to avoid and it is a scenario that we all have a stake in preventing.
The rationale for the racist collective punishment of European Caucasians is that European nations had colonial military and political empires by violently annexing This is racist as Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Finland are all nations which did not have colonial empires with territories outside Europe. This racist rationale also conveniently ignores that East Asian nations such China, Japan and Mongolia had vast military empires. In Africa the Bantu empire violently annexed territories through the means of genocide of the indigenous populations. There were the empires of the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas and Olmecs who all used violence in order to secure increasing territory on the American continents. Yet the racist collective punishment of Caucasians through demographic change is advocated whereas it is not promoted against East Asians, Africans or Americans. The Socialist left must recognise the immorality of this and do everything in its power to oppose and prevent this racist collective punishment. If it does not then any hope of Socialism being implemented in the Occident or elsewhere is extremely unlikely.
Does anyone on the Socialist left really believe that the aforementioned racism will result in a genuine Socialist government coming to power? Under the Parti Socialiste, and it is clear there is nothing Socialist about Brussels puppet Hollande government which implemented austerity with viciousness, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo thought it would be acceptable having a mural with the words “La France aux Francais”, France for the French, crossed out and the words “Les Françaises aux Africains”, the French (feminine) for the Africans, displayed without being obscured. A French lady on the Alternative Right wrote “Francais” over the word “Africains”. This shows that Hidalgo's racism defied logic and will significantly increase Front National's chances of governing France. Actions such as the one described will not only ensure Parti Socialiste will not return to power, which would not a be a bad thing at all, but it will also smear the ideology of genuine Socialists. This means the name of Socialism will be tarnished in France, and many other nations in the West, as many working class Caucasians will not support representatives who are openly racist towards them. To summarise if everyone, the Socialist left in particular, does not stop and reverse demographic change against Caucasians then the Alternative Right and the far right will rise and control Europe and the Occident for several decades. The means of productions won't be controlled, owned and utilised by the working class. Value will not be distributed equitably and it will not be invested in local and national infrastructures. Appropriation of value for endeavour will not provide living incomes and increasing living standards unless the Socialist left can stand up to the corporate plutocratic forces behind demographic change and successfully defuse the racist time bomb. If that doesn't happen then race riots, race wars and a significant increase in intense racist violence will not only hurt and kill Caucasians but people of other ethnicities as well. This is a situation we'd all like to avoid and it is a scenario that we all have a stake in preventing.
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