Friday, 24 February 2017

3% iarrthóir Stormoint ag caint Gaeilge

Only 3% of Stormont candidates speak fluent Gaelic. That's 7 out of 228 candidates. That's shameful. This is an untenable situation. Learning Gaelic should be compulsory education in Ireland. 5 candidates from PSF speak Gaelic they are Barry McElduff, Sean Lynch, Cathal O hOisín, Declan Kearney and Marty Miller. SDLP's Patsy McGlone and Labour Alternative's Donal O Cólaigh speak fluent Gaelic also. 6% of candidates said they'd conversational Gaelic. That is 14 candidates. 38% said they'd at least some Gaelic which means 86 candidates have at least some Gaelic. Half of candidates said they'd no Gaelic. Most of them are Unionist.
11% people in six counties have at least some Gaelic. This amounts to 184,898 people in the six counties and 1,954,898 throughout the country. Gregory Campbell has twice mimicked the phrase go raibh maith agat a cheann comhairle. The first time he said curry my yogi bear can coca cola and he has since said curry my yoghurt can coca cola. This is sectarian and it is racist. Campbell is a DUP bigot. This issue is too important to not address. It it isn't addressed the direct descendant of the world's oldest language could die out completely.

Why Fine Gael and the Irish Free State are so evil

DAPL camp burned by Army Corps Engineers

Iraqi army officer captured and killed by ISIS

Lahore bombed

Azolla Ferns

1.4m children at risk of imminent death in famines says UN

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Robinson condemns Trump

Repeal the 8th campaign handing out abortion pills

Paras water boarded in Ireland

Why white South Africans need help

Why Western European island nations need and deserve independence

California considers statewide sanctury

Poland publishes fullest ever list Schutzstaffel personnel Auschwitz

Britain, America, France and Australia in war games simulating armed conflict with Iran

Wahhabi emirates approve of Trump

57% Americans can't cover $500 emergency